Revision: 13217
Author:   druzus
Date:     2009-12-11 19:42:40 +0000 (Fri, 11 Dec 2009)

Log Message:
2009-12-11 20:42 UTC+0100 Przemyslaw Czerpak (druzus/at/
  * harbour/src/vm/strapi.c
  * harbour/include/hbapistr.h
    + added new functions to operate on Harbour wide character strings:
         ULONG hb_wstrlen( const HB_WCHAR * szText );
         HB_WCHAR * hb_wstrdup( const HB_WCHAR * szText );
         HB_WCHAR * hb_wstrndup( const HB_WCHAR * szText, ULONG ulLen );
         int hb_wstrcmp( const HB_WCHAR * s1, const HB_WCHAR * s2 );
         int hb_wstrncmp( const HB_WCHAR * s1,
                          const HB_WCHAR * s2, ULONG count );
    + added new functions to convert NULL pointers to empty strings:
         const char * hb_strnull( const char * str );
         const HB_WCHAR * hb_wstrnull( const HB_WCHAR * str );
    + added new functions to convert string buffer returned by Harbour
      string functions to writable state:
         char * hb_strunshare( void ** phStr,
                               const char * pStr, ULONG ulLen );
         HB_WCHAR * hb_wstrunshare( void ** phStr,
                                    const HB_WCHAR * pStr, ULONG ulLen );
  * harbour/include/hbwinuni.h
    ! fixed HB_PARSTRDEF() to return empty string instead of NULL
    ! fixed HB_ARRAYSETSTR() to accept NULL as string parameter

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