On Tue, 22 Dec 2009, Andi Jahja wrote:


> I'm very sorry orry, I must be pointing to the wrong codes.
> But have you tried to clean build with: _HB_API_INTERNAL_

With this yes just after your message and it works though I've found some
problems with casting in C++ mode which I fixed and even serious bug in
cairo code also fixed.


These macros do not work for external code in Harbour.
They are reserved only for internal code for some limited
situations (usually some C compilers which do not have
good optimization logic with automatic function inlining)
and can be safely used only locally.

HB_STACK_MACROS causes that wrong code is generated which
cannot be used in MT programs. This code needs to access
hb_stack global variable what causes that less efficient slower
code have to be generated which calculated offsets at runtime
(not during compilation) when members of hb_stack are accessed
from code used in different DLL modules (hb_stack is declared
with import attribute). Additionally it does not allow to
declare hb_stack as static variable in ST HVM what may badly
interact with some compile time optimizations - for static
variables compiler may chose optimal representation because
it know all references to this variable at compile time so
it's easier to optimize the code.
In summary they can be reactivated only with some limited
functionality for ST programs with the cost of reduced speed.
I do not think that anyone will want to invest time in such

HB_API_MACROS replaces one function call with other or when
used without HB_STACK_MACROS with two different ones. In
Harbour whole HVM code is compiled as single hvmall.c file
by all compilers which supports function autoinlining (from
popular modern compilers only BCC does not support it).
It means that functions like hb_ret*() are highly optimized
by C compiler and already flatten (all nested functions inlined)
so in the best case HB_API_MACROS give the same speed as native
function call but in the worst one when used without HB_STACK_MACROS
it will reduce the speed.

With few modifications they can be reactivated but for modern
C/C++ compilers they will only reduce the speed and any code
compiled with above macros will be hardcoded to work only with
less optimal ST HVM version. Keeping the code clean and friendly
for C compiler optimization logic is the best way to improve the
speed. Just compare the speed of Harbour and xHarbour where nearly
everything is "manually inlined" using some modern C/C++ compilers
like new GCC or MSVC versions. You can use tests/speedtst.prg.

best regards,
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