
OK, Thank your suggest and I delete all svn and update all then build
but I still get error message like this:
bcc32.exe   -I. -I../../../../../include -q -tWM -w -w-sig- -Q -d -6 -O2 -OS -Ov
 -Oi -Oc  -I"d:\bcc55\bin\..\Include"  -ocpbg866.obj -c ../../../cpbg866.c
Error E2380 ../../../../../include\hbcdpreg.h 84: Unterminated string or charact
er constant in function _hb_codepage_Init_
  + Full parser context
  + ../../../cpbg866.c, line 61: #include ../../../../../include\hbcdpreg.h
Error E2121 ../../../../../include\hbcdpreg.h 88: Function call missing ) in fun
ction _hb_codepage_Init_
  + Full parser context
  + ../../../cpbg866.c, line 61: #include ../../../../../include\hbcdpreg.h
*** 2 errors in Compile ***
win-make[3]: *** [cpbg866.obj] Error 1
win-make[2]: *** [descend] Error 2
win-make[1]: *** [codepage] Error 2
win-make: *** [src] Error 2

What happens? Is not what I am missing to set?

> > ----------------------------
> > at old harbour, I can modify 'cpbg866.c' and recompiler, all right,
> > but, now I can't to do this.
> You are not using clean SVN code. cpbg866.c has only 62 lines in SVN
> and function hb_cdpRegister() is not longer used by Harbour.
> You mixed old harbour code with current one or Harbour and xHarbour files.
> BTW I would like to ask you to verify if you are using clean unmodified
> SVN code before you report problems. We have very limited resources and
> they are reduced when we have to verify such reports. In clean SVN tree
> if you use:
>    svn stat
> then it should show nothing.
> best regards,
> Przemek

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