On Wed, 13 Jan 2010, Angel Pais wrote:


> >I like to take a try , to HBNETIO  using a little aplicattion made in XHgtk
> >but my network ( linux server ) is sharing databases using Samba and
> >I need to this work Correctly
> Been there, done that.
> On that scenario DON'T run netio server from same machine.
> Wine-Samba on same machine does ugly things when locking dbfs.
> A linux NetIO server uses a diferentent locking scheme.
> You need to compile netio server in windows to share dbfs with windows apps.
> Is not a defect from NetIO but a consecuence of mixing
> cliente-server with local acces and on top of that windows with
> linux.

Samba configuration is not related to HBNETIO.
HBNETIO does not change locking scheme or anything like that.
It redirects everything to OS. The main idea of using HBNETIO
is eliminating problems with file sharing using servers like
SAMBA. Just simply access file only using HBNETIO (it doesn't
matter what is the client OS) or native applications executed
locally and you will not have any problems with incompatible
locking systems.
Anyhow if you plan to also access simultaneously files using
SAMBA as file server then you have to configure SAMBA to redirect
all locks to OS and fully respect all OS locking. You will also
have to disable any opportunistic locks in SAMBA. The redirection
of SMB locks to OS lock in SAMBA was changing in the last years
and many problems has been resolved. Some of them using new
kernel extensions so it's also very important the system used
on file server running SAMBA. I cannot answer if current state
is fully functional and safe to use in concurrent file access
by SMB protocol and as native files without checking current
SAMBA code. I'll try to check it in some spare time. Anyhow
it always needs precise configuration so the easiest solution
for concurrent file access by remote stations is using HBNETIO
and ignoring any file servers like SAMBA or MARS.

best regards,
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