Hi Mindaugas,

On 2010 Jan 23, at 01:32, Mindaugas Kavaliauskas wrote:

> Hi,
> francesco perillo wrote:
>> PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE, in order to not destroy the work I have done up
>> to now, please DON'T make changes to ChangeLog but instead tell me in
>> this message what should I do !
> 2010-01-20 14:28 UTC+0200 Mindaugas Kavaliauskas (dbtopas/at/dbtopas.lt)
> and
> 2009-12-31 13:59 UTC+0200 Mindaugas Kavaliauskas (dbtopas/at/dbtopas.lt)
> has to be merged, but I forgot to mark it [TOMERGE] in ChangeLog.

If possible, please mark them as [TOMERGE 2.0] in a 
new commit, if you forgot to mark it at first. (in this 
case maybe only after Francesco has finished this job)


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