
2010/3/21 francesco perillo <fperi...@gmail.com>:
>> And since change in more than 800 files?
> I don't know your source code but you wrote:
> func xxx( name )
> local b := &( "{|| field->&('" + name + "') }" )
> return eval( b )
> so I understand that in your 800 files there are several calls like:
> bGet = xxx( "surname" )

Function was used as an example for a quick check...

> It this is the actual situation, you may try something like:
> func xxx( name )
> local b := &( "{|| FieldGet(FieldPos('" + name + "'))}" )
> return eval( b )
> but it only looks in current workarea
> If you have FIELD definition for different workareas you may try:
> local b := &( "{|| field->FieldGet(FieldPos('" + name + "'))}" )

A typical example of a macro:
FOR nI: = 1 TO 10
  IF FIELD-> & ( "TYPE" + ALLTRIM (STR (nI)))
     / / Something

and so on in many places

Replace with FieldGet (FieldPos ()) and not be mistaken (800 files!!!)

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