So for me it's hard to understand why to reinvent
it, if we already have it by the name "RDD".

If we want to go beyond this and implement the whole
"ORM" buzzword, it's a whole separate project,
not just some extra lines of code in sqlmix.

ORM is defined as Object Relational Mapping at wikipedia, but there is another meaning for that, that is Object Role Modeling acording to Maybe the example pointed by Massimo is more related to Object Persistence. Wikipedia moved/renamed Object Persistence page to System Prevalence ( and acording to it, the advantage of this aproach is "Simply keeping system state in memory in its normal, natural, language-specific format is both orders of magnitude faster and more programmer-friendly than the multiple conversions that are needed when it is stored and retrieved from a DBMS." One case of use is that objects can be collected in an array, so once they are loaded it is much faster to access ascan form them than using searching in a disk file.

From: "Viktor Szakáts" <>
Sent: Sunday, March 21, 2010 10:02 PM
To: "Harbour Project Main Developer List." <>
Subject: Re: [Harbour] Error in SDDFB

New generation languages (Python, Ruby etc. and even Java) have shifted focus to
using ORMs rather than SQL directly. Now instead of explicit SQL
statements, ActiveRecord (Ruby's Object Relational Mapper) uses
something like = "Emp1"
emp.basic = 4500
emp.designation = "Programmer"

I guess you're talking about this:

Well, above example just doesn't even scratch
the surface. And it's in fact an example which
makes thing just much less efficient than it
normally is in Harbour. IOW it's adding extra
complexity without any benefit. This is how
it's done in Harbour:

Employee->name := "Emp1"
Employee->basic := 4500
Employee->designation := "programmer"

The advantage of ORM is that programmers can write database code that
are not specific to the back-end engine. This is also strikingly
similar to the Clipper concept of RDDs

So for me it's hard to understand why to reinvent
it, if we already have it by the name "RDD".

If we want to go beyond this and implement the whole
"ORM" buzzword, it's a whole separate project,
not just some extra lines of code in sqlmix.


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