>> ---
>> DBCREATE( "aa.dbf", { { "DACC", "C", 10, 0 } } )
>> use aa.dbf alias aa new
>> aa->DACC := "hello"
>> ? "aa->DACC :", aa->DACC
>> ? 'aa->&("DACC") :', aa->&("DACC")
>> ---
>> ---
>> Public&mVar. := Len(_HMG_SYSDATA [  66 ]) + 1
>> ---
>> Double check your environment and test .prg,
>> because it's almost sure there is something
>> wrong with it.
>> Brgds,
>> Viktor
> Ok, I will try to check my env. (although i'm not sure what exactly should I 
> look for, since everything looks simple & clean. -I am just setting  paths 
> and let the hbmk2 do the rest.)
> BTW, is there any possibility to be the problem O/S related?
> I 'm getting the error(s) on my every-day-use WIN2K box. On a WinXPPRO 
> machine (where I make clean harbour's builds) everything works w/o prob. 
> However binaries (exes and libs) on WIN2K box are copy/pasted from WinXPPRO.

I don't know, but could be cut & paste problem from 
you mailer to your editor. Just an idea. Such syntax 
things should not depend on anything else than content 
of input files passed to compiler.


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