
Przemysław Czerpak wrote:
> But before I'll make any modifications in core code I would like to see
> real test results. It's possible that DosAllocThreadLocalMemory() is
> already highly optimized by compiler.
> Can you check the performance of above functions in some simple loop?
See attached code, it gives these results on my PC when compiled with

gcc -O3 -Wall -o gettid.exe gettid.c

Time _hb_gettid() 688
Time _gettid() 1787

The numers are in milliseconds for a 100 million times loop.

> When threads ends then it's TLS area is freed so such information will be
> lost in a while.

Yes, but if we have an object on HVM, this object could have those numbers and
they'll stay there until the object is disposed.

Best regards.


|  |  | |__| Maurilio Longo
|_|_|_|____| farmaconsult s.r.l.

<<inline: gettid.c>>

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