
   Me too, I am amazed.
The developers are worth of it. They are almost full time dedicating themselves to make this project something really impressive.


----- Original Message ----- From: <harbour-l...@cxxl.de>
To: <harbour@harbour-project.org>
Sent: Friday, 26 de March de 2010 15:39
Subject: [Harbour] harbour: fantastic software!

dear list,

i am an old clipper summer 87 hacker and still actively maintain
one application in it (some 30k lines of code, for 13 years now...).
in the past i had to find solutions for different of its limitations
and so i looked into some alternatives just for fun this monday.

i found harbour and i'm simply BLOWN AWAY!  this is so much better
than i had imagined!

it took me only some hours to fix the missing externals in my existing
source code.  we had written some stuff ourselves, some of it in
assembler, most of it in clipper, some in C.

after it linked and i did some tests, i was amazed that almost
everything worked just like that.  harbour is incredibly compatible, i
only had to change the "set filter to" and "set relation to" commands
(missing "database->").

of course, there were other little things to do, but i think that
after maybe 20 hours of work, the application could be considered
working again.  i'm still very impressed with your work, both compiler
and libs.

so, thank you again for your terrific work!  this mail is only for
praise.  though i have some tech questions, i will post them
independently, to ease discussion.

i would like to know: where can i send some money to support harbour
development?  it will save me a lot of time in the future and that's
worth some euros!  is there some coordinated fund?



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