On Mon, 12 Apr 2010, Pritpal Bedi wrote:


> >    hb_processRun( <cCommand>, [ <cStdIn> ], [ @<cStdOut> ], [ @<cStdErr>
> > ], ;
> >                   [ <lDetach> ] ) -> <nResult>
> > <lDetach> must not be .T. if you do not want to execute process in
> > background (as daemon).
> > This command is implemented for all platforms.
> If <lDetach> == .F. then the process will run under hbIDE's process space,
> right?
> If yes, then when the control will return to hbIDE ? Immediately after
> initiating the process
> or after initiated process will terminate?

Look at parameters. They give you the answer.
To set <cStdOut>, <cStdErr> and <nResult> is necessary to wait inside
hb_processRun() until executed command terminates.

If you want to still execute your foreground process then use:
   hb_processOpen( <cCommand>, ;
                   [ @<hStdIn> ], [ @<hStdOut> ], [ @<hStdErr> ], ;
                   [ <lDetach> ], [ @<nPID> ] ) -> <hProcess> | F_ERROR
and then:
   hb_processValue( <hProcess> [, <lWait=.T.> ] ) -> <nResult>
   hb_processClose( <hProcess> [, <lGentle=.T.> ] ) -> <lTerminated>

<hStdIn>, <hStdOut> and <hStdErr are file handles from which you can
read and write using FREAD()/FWRITE().
<nResult> is value returned by executed process (errorLevel()),
<lWait> is .T. by default,
<lGentle> is .T. by default, when it's .F. the process is killed

best regards,
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