On Tue, 27 Apr 2010, Siny wrote:


> I set the codepage succesfully. There are correct characters on the screen
> and on the keyboard, too. But... The seek do not works when the string
> certains a Hungarian character. I think that there are old-coded characters
> in the databases.

So you haven't set CP correctly.
Copy & past from examples sent by other users without investing
sometime to check what some functions do is not good idea because
like above you "resolved" one problem creating other ones.

> Do anyone know a tool which can change this characters in databases
> into a given type? For example into iso852 or unicode852. And I am
> interesting in it regardin to changing soure code automatically 

You have to understand what different CP functions do before you
will use them and you will find that you can set all what you need
in few different versions.

   SET( _SET_CODEPAGE, <cCDP> ) -> <cPrevCDP>

sets internal HVM codepage which is used in string comparison operation
and also as default CP for RDD when new table is open and for GT in
HB_SETTERMCP()/HB_SETDISPCP()/HB_SETKEYCP(). Some GTs also use it even
without calling above functions.
HB_CDPSELECT(...) makes the same job as SET( _SET_CODEPAGE, ... ).

   HB_SETTERMCP( <cTermCP> [,<cHostCP>] [,<lBoxChar>] )

Sets terminal CP and enables automatic translation between <cHostCP>
(HVM CDP) and <cTermCP> in all IN (keyboard) / OUT (screen) operations.
If <lBoxChar> is .T. then it forces using national letters also in box
drawing effectively disabling using CP437 box characters in DISPBOX()
and related functions. HB_SETDISPCP() sets only output (screen)
translation and HB_SETKEYCP() sets only input (keyboard) translation.

When new table is open then you can use CODEPAGE clause in USE command
to enable automatic translation between HVM code, i.e.:
   USE myTable CODEPAGE <cCDP>
It also controls collating order but please remember that it cannot
be used if table contains binary data. If you want to avoid such problems
then you should use the same HVM CP as your tables.
So you can specify CODEPAGE in USE command (or as 7-th parameter of
dbUseArea() function) but you can also set the same CP as you used
in your Clipper/... programs and which is used by your DBF files
using SET( _SET_CODEPAGE, <cCDP> ) or HB_CDPSELECT( <cCDP> ) and
only set valid output CP using HB_SETTERMCP(). In UNICDOE Harbour
builds is enough to make:
   HB_SETTERMCP( <cTermCDP>, <cCDP> )


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