On 2010 May 4, at 15:29, Massimo Belgrano wrote:

> set HB_INSTALL_PREFIX=c:\xharbour\
> hbmk2.exe myhbp.hbp -xhp
> hbmk2: Processing environment options: -mt -compiler=bcc32
> hbmk2: Error: Compiler value unknown: bcc32

'bcc32' has been changed to 'bcc' at least a year ago 
in Harbour.

hbmk2's goal is to build executables from xhb sources 
using xhb compiler and regular C compiler tools. 
Configuration should be done just as for Harbour.
hbmk2's goal is not to emulate the full build and 
make infrastructure of xhb.

BTW, my advice repeated now about 3 hundred times 
still stays true: DELETE 'HB_COMPILER' OPTION!


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