
Instead of guessing it's enough to check the 
example in INSTALL. Search for HB_WITH_OCILIB.


On 2010 May 12, at 10:25, Horodyski Marek (PZUZ) wrote:

>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Massimo Belgrano [mailto:mbelgr...@deltain.it]
>> Sent: Tuesday, May 11, 2010 5:38 PM
>> To: Harbour Project Main Developer List.
>> Subject: Re: [Harbour] [r|s]ddoci
>> Have you made
>> set HB_WITH_OCILIB=C:\ocilib
>> or
>> set HB_WITH_OCILIB c:\ocilib\include
>> set HB_WITH_OCILIB c:\ocilib\lib32
>> ?
> Yes, but without succes.
> Afther install I see :
> ! 'sddoci' library skipped ('ocilib' not found. Configure with 
> On disk I have :
> ║  ├──┬ocilib                               
> ║  │  ├───demo                              ▒
> ║  │  ├──┬doc                               ▒
> ║  │  │  └───html                           ▒
> ║  │  ├───include                           ▒
> ║  │  ├───lib32                             ▒
> ║  │  ├───lib64                             ■
> ║  │  ├──┬proj                              ▒
> ║  │  │  ├───dll                            ▒
> ║  │  │  ├───mingw                          ▒
> ║  │  │  └───test                           ▒
> ║  │  └───src                               ▒
> ║  ├───oe                                   ▒
> Viktor, what can I store HB_WITH_OCILIB in this case ?
> In ocilb\lib32 I have :
> Katalog: c:\ocilib\lib32 
> 2010-05-11  16:58    <DIR>          . 
> 2010-05-11  16:58    <DIR>          .. 
> 2010-02-03  19:50           315 402 libociliba.a
> 2010-02-03  19:50           317 494 libocilibm.a
> 2010-02-03  19:51           322 050 libocilibw.a
> 2010-02-03  19:40           230 912 ociliba.dll 
> 2010-02-03  19:40           127 320 ociliba.lib 
> 2010-02-03  19:39           232 448 ocilibm.dll 
> 2010-02-03  19:39           127 692 ocilibm.lib 
> 2010-02-03  19:40           245 248 ocilibw.dll 
> 2010-02-03  19:40           127 692 ocilibw.lib
> In path variable :
> Path=C:\gcc\mingw\bin;C:\harbour\bin;C:\instantclient\ODBC;C:\BATCH;C:\ExeCom;C:\Windows\System32;C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\client_3\bin;C:\oracle\product10.2.0\client_1\bin;C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\System32\Wbem;C:\Program
>  Files\Windows Imaging\                                                       
> OCILIB have I download from www and uncompressed from zip file (not after 
> install process).
> Regards,
> Marek Horodyski
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