Revision: 14533
Author:   vszakats
Date:     2010-05-20 09:35:08 +0000 (Thu, 20 May 2010)

Log Message:
2010-05-20 11:21 UTC+0200 Przemyslaw Czerpak (druzus/at/
  * utils/hbmk2/hbmk2.prg
    + Added hbmk2 level support for multiple input .def files.
      NOTE: Multiple .def files are only supported by gcc family
            compilers (mingw/cygwin) (and maybe watcom, but I can't 
            tell by looking at the output), so for portable scripts,
            stick to using only one .def file per .dll. bcc,
            msvc, pocc will either ignore some of them, or
            stop with error.

  * ChangeLog
    - Deleted accented (UTF8) char.
    ! Deleted UTF8 file marked added by subsequent committer's editor.

    ; --- Pls remember to use ASCII 7-bit chars in our files ---

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