> this is what I am trying to convey.
> It depend how hbIDE is invoked.
> One can invoke it with desktop icon with/without 
> "Start in:" field entry on "Shortcut" tab in "Properties"
> dialog when selection with right-click on appln icon.
> the other can call as:
>   C:\MyOwnFolder\>E:\harbour\contrib\hbide\hbide.exe
> then the curdir() if called in hbIDE will show up "MyOwnFolder"

The actual content of CURDIR() doesn't matter 
in context of our discussion. The only point is 
to deal with it properly whatever it is.

Other than that "CURDIR() neutrality" is a very 
important (and many times forgotten in DOS/Windows 
world) programming rule, so I hope HBIDE behaves 
well whatever the actual current directory is.
It's also basic requirement for Mac OS X apps.
So far HBIDE looks clean in this regard.

hbmk2 works correctly regardless of current dir.

>> BTW changing curdir for hbmk2 could be avoided and 
>> replaced by '-o<project_dir>/' hbmk2 option.
> I did not know.
> Where .hbmk folder will be created ? At '-o<project_dir>/' 
> or where from this is called ? I knew that -o option is 
> to place the target executable. Does it also affect the 
> intermediatory files ?

Yes. '.hbmk' dir is created in -o directory (unless manually 
overridden using -workdir option). In non-incremental mode 
all intermediate files are created in temporary directory.

[ BTW -o is quite flexible, f.e. you can use both '-ohello' 
and '-omydir/' at the same time, the first will define the 
name of the target, the second the directory. Of course 
you can use '-omydir/hello', too, and you can also combine 
them in various ways. The end result is that you can configure 
output filename in .hbp file and output directory via separate 
cmdline options. ]


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