Cland 7070 V of  Mojahed? 1640 with YL with talks in 
Farsi . Very strong bubble jammer. Signal S9 or SINPO 
31x32, on dipole Also on 21.9 with talks by man , hymn on 
1621 then talks. Liangas 18+21.9  Retziki THS Greece 

KYRGYZ 4099.97 Bishkek 1717 with talks. ON 1720 with 
continuous talks. Signal S7 but 23232 due to 
undermodulated audio. Liangas 18.9 Retziki THS Greece 

?? 4050 unIDed 1735 I also heard this station that day 18 
with continuous music that seemed  to be something 
between afro and turkic but not //4010 .Had not chance to 
listen for any ID at TOH. as after 1800 it signed off. 
Signal nearly same as 4010 Liangas 18.9 Retziki THS 

[via Germany? ]15265 A Africa Intl 1655? [time forgot] 
with Arabic songs, OM giving address of station in USA  
and email [EMAIL PROTECTED] (saying that is was provided 
by United Methodist Church ). At TOH 1700?? person saying 
'From Ghana....' with immediate sign off  Liangas 20.9 
Retziki THS Greece 

Cland? 7205 R Ecclesia  with music then talks by OM YL in 
PP sounded as news , a lengthy speech with continuous 
talks by OM and YL after a short music break at 1925 . An 
interview at 1940 then with Intl news. Some folk songs at 
1944 . Closed with fur Elise. At abt 1958 BBC suddenly 
started on this freq. Signal was S9 +10 at 1910 but with 
strong QRM from both sides but at 1950 signal was as 
34223 with AM wide. Liangas 20.9 Retziki THS Greece 

CHINA 7385 Lhasa 2257 with program schedule read by YL  
followed by Tibetan opera . IS with "east is red' then 
with ID 'Zhongyang yimaa ... boyi'  ( this sounded as  
Chinese dialect!!) then with news. Signal is S9  to +10 
db or 44434 Also  on 4920 with S7. Liangas 20.9 Retziki 
THS Greece

Cland 9945 Falun Dafa (p) 2105 . Talks by OM and YL in CC 
. Signal covered by CHN opera station at 32332 with a 
S9+10 total level including CHN opera station. Liangas 
20.9 Retziki THS Greece

NIGER? 9704 LV Sahel? Talks and phone ins in FF . Hilife 
songs at 2231 with short commentaries in between . Mean 
levels of S5  on   dipole with maxima at S9 . Carrier on 
same freq. after 2333 Liangas 20.9 Retziki THS Greece

AUSTRALIA Voice Intl has been heard in all the 13.6 mHz 
-13685  in English , 1435 with ID  then some audio clips 
and short political news ( Bush) . a telephone of 0800  
for Master Media , then with R Intl is real life . Song 
at1439 . Signal is S7 with max to S9+10 or 44423 to 
dipole antenna .Presumably on 11930 with S7 max 

-13635 , prg in Hindi 1440 , mostly Indian song mixes and 
remixes S6 or 34423 

-13660 prg in Indonesian 1440 with indon (and sometimes 
western) pop songs ., 1453 with ID 'musik suara intl' 
called many times, At 1500  with reading from Bible then 
pop song continuation. Max S7 or 44423
All Liangas 21.9 Retziki THS Greece 

[SYRIA ] 12115 /12085 Sawt Al Wattani 1528  , playing the 
song 'wattani' . Signal on 12115 S9+30 while 12085 is 
S9+20 on dipole antenna. Syria was stronger on 12085 and 
signal stopped 15 secs after 115 stopped. Liangas 21.9 
Retziki THS Greece 

[Turkey ] 11530 "Denge Mezopotamia" ID at 1530 with audio 
clip . Also  then by YL   with political talks to turkey. 
Theme on Iran afterwards. Signal S8 or 44444 on dipole 
Liangas 21.9 Retziki THS Greece 

PAKISTAN 21465 continues to be on this freq. 0850 with 
folk  type songs. Overloaded audio Signal S9 or 44444 
Liangas 21.9 Retziki THS Greece 

pen-DX sejak 72 - anggota World-DX-Club 2104,Play DX, dll
PP: R75/HF150/MVT7100/D2935  + 16m/1x1 + 
/trip2k.htm (dlm Bkk,SNG,BAli)   /MP3_comp.htm comparison Xing/Fastenc 
/napa.htm crash test Napa DAV315 MP3 player 

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This place is for rent. Please email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] for details.
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