15 Oct'02

"KOL-ISRAEL" Short-Wave Programme Schedule  -
From , 27 October 2002 to 30 March 2003
Language UTC=GMT Primary Target kHz Meters
Hebrew 05:00-19:00 N.America/W.Europe 15,760 19
5,790 @@ 9,345 32
06:00-19:00 N.America/W.Europe 17,535 17
19:00-23:00 N.America/W.Europe 9,390 32
23:00-06:00 N.America/W.Europe 7,545 40
04:30-06:00 N.America/W.Europe 11,590 25
19:00-05:00 N.America/W.Europe 5,790 52
21:00-22:15 N.America/W.Europe 15,640 19
19:00-19:50 N.America/W.Europe 15,640 19
17:00-04:30 S.America/N. Africa 11,585 25
Arabic 04:00-22:15 Middle East 5,915 50
(Reshet Dalet) 9,310 @@
12,150 25

English 05:00-05:15 N.America/W.Europe 9,435 31
N.America/W.Europe 6,280 Khz @
11,605 25
Central America/Australia 17,600 17
11:15-11:30 N.America/W.Europe 15,640 19
N.America/W.Europe 17,545 39
17:30-17:45 N.America/W.Europe 11,605 25
N.America/W.Europe 17,545 39
20:00-20:25 N.America/W.Europe 6,280 @ 11,605 25
South Africa 9,435 31
N.America/W.Europe 15,640 19
7,520 @@ 13,720 21

French 05:15-05:30 N.America/W.Europe 9,435 31
N.America/W.Europe 11,605 25
11:00-11:15 N.America/W.Europe 15,640 19
N.America/W.Europe 17,545 39
16:30-16:55 N.America/W.Europe 11,605 25
N.America/W.Europe 15,640 19
N.America/W.Europe 17,545 39
20:30-20:45 N.America/W.Europe 6,280 @ 11,605 25
Central America/S.Europe 9,435 19
S.America/N. Africa 15,640 19
7,520 @@ 13,720 21
Spanish/Ladino 16:00-16:25 Spain/S. Europe 15,640 19
(Saturday only) C.America / S. Europe 17,545 39
North America/E. Europe 17,525 17
Spanish 20:45-21:00 N.America/W.Europe 6,280 @ 11,605 25
Central America/S.Europe 9,435 19
S.America/S.Africa 15,640 19
7,520 @@ 13,720 21
18:00-18:15 N.America/W.Europe 11,605 25
N.America/W.Europe 17,545 39
Ladino 11:25-11:40 Mediterranean 15,655 19
Russian 18:30-20:00 Russia 9,435 31
Russia 11,605 25

Persian 15:00-16:25 Iran 13,850 @@ 9,985 30
(Sun-Thurs) Iran 15,640 @@ 11,605 25
N.America/W.Europe 17,545 39
15:00-16:00 Iran 9,985 30
(Fri & Sat) Iran 11,605 25
N.America/W.Europe 17,545 39
Yiddish 11:00-11:25 Europe 15,655 19
17:00-17:25 Europe 9,435 31
C.America/S. Europe 15,640 19
Romanian 17:25-17:45 Romania 9,435 31
Romania 15,640 19
Hungarian 17:45-18:00 Central Europe 9,435 31
Central Europe 15,640 19
Bucharian 13:00-13:15 Central Asia 15,640 19
Central Asia 17,545 39
Georgian 13:15-13:30 Georgia 15,640 19
Georgia 17,545 39
Mugrabian 17:15-17:25 North Africa/Central America 17,545 39

37605 <----> 37680 ( @ )
When Conditions Meet's Requierment ( @@ )
UTC=GMT = Universal Coordinated Time
75 degrees - East - "LMI-1" Satellite (Israel Beam)
12,670.0 Downlink Frequency (MHz)
Horizental Polarisation
6.60;7.20;7.56 IBA - TV sound (MHz)
Radio Networks on Subcarrier Frequencies (MHz)
12,670.0 Downlink Frequency (MHz)
7.38 Hebrew (Bet) 7.92 Arabic(Dalet)
8.10 Gimel 7.74 Kol HaMusica
7.56 Alef
Middle East Middle East Target Area

For correspondence regarding reception problems,
please write to:
Raphael Kochanowski
Director of Liaison & Coordination
IBA - Kol Israel Radio
P.O.Box 1082, Jerusalem 91010

Alokesh Gupta
New Delhi, India
Tel# 0091-11-6177277

Send and receive Hotmail on your mobile device: http://mobile.msn.com

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