Hi all,.

Sam Voron has also given a couple of web-sites...

www.radiogalkayo.com which is very interesting and well designed, and www.h44a.com (which doesn't work at the moment) to cut & paste from Sam...

>I am back in Australia with good news. On the 25 Oct. 2002,the Prime Minister of the Solomon Islands attended the graduation ceremony for 21 students and presented them with the certificate of successful completion of the amateur radio training course. The Australian High Commission deputy head presented each student with a donated CB or Amateur radio on behalf of the HAM and CB donors from the outside world. The Minister of Home Affairs gave each student an antenna. The Community Peace and Restoration Fund Ausaid gave each student a power supply.
Solomon Islanders now run the school and the National Disaster Council will download onto www.h44a.com photos of that ceremony, the list of students and their home locations and a copy of the Prime Minister’s speech together with the call signs of the 21. Sadly one of our 21 students died of asthma before that ceremony. The Prime Minister presented the certificate to his parents who asked that their other son take his place as a student at the school.
Collection of unwanted CB and HAM transceivers is underway so that the second graduation class can also graduate with complete stations.If you can help with a transceiver you can mail it to:
The Director of the National Disaster Management Organisation of the Solomon Islands Government, Mr Loti Yates, Amateur Radio Training School, National Disaster Council, P.O. Box G11, Honiara, Solomon Islands. Telephone Loti between 2130 to 0230 UTC Monday to Friday on Tel- 001- 677- 27937 or 27936. Email- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I want to thank everyone who has helped get the Solomon Islanders onto ham and CB radio. A great result and a big thank you. They can only come on air if they have donated radios so keep that help coming for their second graduating class.
Answering a question, the school has no computer and no telephone. We thank the National Disaster Council for the use of their building. The economic situation is such that even the government NDC telephones have over a year been prevented by telecom from dialing outside the Capital although anyone can ring in worldwide. Internet is available to those with money to pay the internet cafe owner.
Many students don't have $2 bus fare to travel to the school; they walk a very long distance.The school is operated by the students themselves.No one is paid.This is the only school in the country which is operated by unpaid volunteers. Parents of these students don't have money to pay fees . The Amateur Radio Training School of the Solomon Islands is the only free of charge school in the country, open to any person off the street.
The purpose of the activities is to open amateur radio as a zero cost activity to give youth direction and benefit the nation.
The school is not set up for the purpose of using QSL as a way to get money.
People at the bottom of the power structure of this country have been honoured by the man at the top. Why? because with nothing but the interest to turn up each day the very first nativeborn to get a ham licence is not the intellectual person with degrees or the well off business person but someone who never had a chance to take up something before. That is something the Solomon Islanders have now embraced without the floods of money people keep telling us we have missed because we do not QSL. In the ham course we learn that when you have money everyone wants to know you , when you don't its a different story. In ham radio we are not a business radio: we build respect so that one day, when you need help you are measured not by how much money you have but by how much of a ham, helping all mankind person you are.
Amateur Radio is not a be all and end all in QSL cards as some comments imply. If all you can do is tell people who have discovered a new love called ham radio and who don't have $2 to catch a bus to their ham radio school each day that they operate a scam, if you can make fun of them , if you say they should not be on air without QSL cards just think , did the Prime Minister of your country say "well done" to you when you became a ham?
Every student received a CB or ham station on graduation: because of you, the donors, if that can be maintained for each graduating class these students who have no other way of joining the world wide airwaves could wish for no more.
Anyone who would like to go to Solomon Islands and show the students the trill of a DXpedition and QSLing would be very welcome.
None of the first 9 to qualify for the amateur radio licence had the $100 license fee and after 6 months, all 21 licences were sitting uncollected at Spectrum Management Division.
A meeting with the SMD director and the schools director Margaret H44MKA and her deputy director Rusa H44RTK has brought the amateur radio license fee down.
SMA said $20. “But it was $12 last year ” said Margaret. ‘OK you win’ said the SMD
Congratulations to the countries first native born ham radio operators-
NAME AGE CALL SIGN VILLAGE, ISLAND Volunteer position at the school
Alfred Selo 20 H44SAT Ferasubua,Malaita. All night security
Ms Margaret Koi 27 H44MKA Atori,Malaita. School director
Augustine Bisafo 23 H44AB Dairana,Malaita. Fix what needs fixing
Willie Sande 26 H44WSB Mbabasa,Guadalcanal.Instructor
Duddley Misiosi 21 H44HMD Aesiko,Malaita. Instructor
Adrian Legua 19 H44ZL Thathaje,Isabel Instructor
Ms Nesta Olita 18 H44NO Rurusie,Malaita Instructor
Rockson Latu 17 H44EE Pututu,Choiseul Instructor
Nicholas Sie 20 H44NS Gove,Isabel Instructor
Ronald Foakali 20 H44RF Rurusie,Malaita Instructor
Rowland V. Kito 27 H44RVK Patutiva,Western fix what needs fixing
Ms Doris Tim 26 H44DT Taraharau, Makira Instructor
Foster Bobo 23 H44SF Faufanea,Malaita Instructor
Andrew Leeson 24 H44ALK Veramogho,Guadalcanal Instructor
Lionel Arudola 17 H44LA Forodo,Malaita Instructor
Hudson Auga 25 H44HA Nukumaro,Malaitadied before license issued.
Ms Rusa T. Kenioriana 28 H44RTK Masupa,Malaita School deputy director
Ms Viola Pitisopa 18 H44VP Pangoe,Choiseul Instructor
Arthold Gwali 21 H44AG Dukwasi,Malaita Instructor
Moffet T. Dakatia 18 H44MD Tataba,Isabel Instructor
Dicaprio.Wanna.L.Pauku 23 H44D Babarehgo,Choiseul.Fix what needs fixing
19 of these 21 licenses remain on the table at the SMD office because 19 students don’t have $12 that’s $US 2.
Its hoped that as in the USA and New Zealand it may be possible to introduce a no license fee service to match what a free course and donated equipment have accomplished. In the mean time the successful students are saving where they can so that new students can use these call signs under their supervision at the ham radio training school. There are no radio hams in the country to help all the new people who want to join the school so these new hams are doing everything they can to help new people just as they were helped.
Most radios donated from overseas are CB radios and the school operates throughout the day and night on CB channel 29 ­ 27.295MHz LSB. For training purposes amateur radio procedures are always used so that students can train on CB before going on to the international ham bands using the amateur radio donated to the school. Local contacts between the new hams using the donated CB radios is on CB channel 13- 27.115MHz AM. All this activity from the Solomon Islands on both AM and LSB can be heard daily by CB and amateur operators around Australia who have commented on the excellent behaviour of these students over the last year.
After completing 10 contacts on CB under supervision new students are ready to start their 10 required amateur radio contacts on 28.490Mhz USB plus or minus 10KHz.
The 2 top ham ( Helping All Mankind) students are both girl students who have become the director and deputy directors of the school. These are both volunteer unpaid positions.
So many boys want to join everyday that they are now only taking girls to give them space at the ham school. Next year boys can join again.
I did suggest that any boy who could bring 10 girls be allowed so that new males are not totally excluded.
We had 5 girls out of the first graduating class of 21 and we hope we can improve the male female balance by aiming for more girls than boys.
Rusa our deputy brings her 4 year old girl who plays morse code sounds with another 4 year old at the ham school.
There is a 14 year old boy who walks to the free ham radio school every day from the other end of the Capital city, Honiara
because he can't pay fees to go to government or private schools and he is not the only one.
The ham school has no age limit or qualification requirement but right now if you are a girl in Solomon Islands you get instant access to the ham radio training school.
School radio clubs might like to check 28.490MHz USB where the Solomon Islands ham school have many radio contacts.
Foreign Amateur radio operators visiting the Solomon Islands must still pay the $100 license fee which is equal to $US 16 and are welcome to stay at the school and help the students.

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