9645.9 BRASIL   Radio Bandeirantes, Sao Paulo  MAR 31 2301 - audible clearly on even 9646 kHz (9645 was a bit distorted) with portuguese talk; // 11925; fair-poor level with QRM from a computer in the neighborhood. (Chiochiu-QC)
11925 BRASIL   Radio Bandeirantes, Sao Paulo  MAR 31 2301 - with portuguese talk; // 9646. Fair signal with very slight het from 11920 or 11930, but lots of computer QRM ! (Chiochiu-QC)
Surprisngly, a super-strong religious broadcaster (didn't check the PWBR yet) was found on 6090. According to the Mark Mohrmann SW logs web-site, Radio Bandeirantes is inactive on 6090 kHz !
Bogdan Chiochiu (QTH: Montréal - Pierrefonds-Est - Quebec, Canada)
Sangean 606 rx with long-wire in the yard
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