Got a couple of  logs here nothing  special but  tryin to see if this 
goes thru.

12095 khz 2050GMT BBC Ascension Island? Programs in English RX320 150 ft

12050 khz 2100 GMT Radio Cairo Egypt Arabic  songs being played. Got
weird noise in transmitter. RX320 150 ft longwire.ID by female. Usual 
sucky audio  par for the  course.

12010 khz 2105 GMT VOA? Morrocco? Sounds like VOA  Arabic service to me
RX320 150 ft longwire.

11975 khz 2110 GMT  VOA Sao Tome? English broadcast with news  mentions
of Robert Mugabe so presumed African Service. RX320 150 ft longwire.

I hope within the next few weeks get some kind of  antenna pointed south
if I can. The lot here is kinda  facing in a goofy  direction almost
directly north  \south and the  yard  I have the long wire in I have
that  going northeast to almost east  at a slant.The longwire is maybe 6
feet or off the  ground at lowest point and  about 8 ft off the ground
at feedpoint. So not too bad  with that setup so far. Hope to improve
later on when I get some more coax to get a south bound wire  going .

Dx'ing from Lousiville Ky
Using RX320 and 150 longwire-23 ft vertical.
Nothing but linux used on this machine

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