On Tuesday evening, I did some listening over at
the salt-marsh site in Rowley, MA.  With sunset
close to 8:30 p.m. EDT at this near-solstice
date, TA DX doesn't make much of a showing
before 9 p.m. (0100 UTC).  Usual low-latitude
stuff like Mauritania-783, Canaries-1008 & 1179,
Ceuta-1584, and numerous Spaniards were first
"out of the box".

More surprising was a knockout signal from
Egypt-864 at 9:48 p.m. and good signals from
numerous higher latitude Europeans such as
Ireland-567, Ireland-612, UK-693, Germany-756,
and Switzerland-765.  The real catch of the
evening was the German on 666, certainly not
a common catch any time of year.  Near the
shortest night of the year, this station
was packing a remarkably strong signal at
9:55 p.m. EDT / 0155 UTC.

I know that several New England coastal
DXpeditions (and maybe also something in
New Brunswick on Miscou Island) are slated
for this "outdoor DX season".  The Boston
Area DXers are having their "DX Clams"
event in Rockport, MA on 7 AUG.  I think
that it's worthwhile to provide any kind
of conditions reports that can assist these
upcoming efforts.

Mark Connelly, WA1ION - Billerica, MA

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