Gary, I did pick up RFPI Thursday night 7/31 (Actually, Friday AM). Ironically, it was on 7445 which I have never been able to pick up before! It was around 1000 UTC (4am MDT here in New Mexico) or sometime after, I was awakened by a dog who had thrown up!!! I listened to part of Democracy Now. Signal was moderately strong, but there was quite a bit of prop. distortion.

I agree, it's a good station to listen to, with generally interesting and substanative discussion about topics that are often off the radar screen here in the US.


I did not pick-up RFPI last night nor this morning in their usual slot but then again for RFPI that's not too unusual. Have they been shut down?

Poor little RFPI...For such a weak little "paper sack" radio station they sure are creating a lot of controversy. Why are the best radio stations always the hardest ones to hear?

Control the Airwaves and you control the morons... 73's Gary Crites Eureka, California

"Here in America we are descended in blood and in spirit from revolutionists and rebels--men and women who dare to dissent from accepted doctrine. As their heirs, we may never confuse honest dissent with disloyal subversion."- Dwight D. Eisenhower,
May 31, 1954


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