Sept 2, 07:40 UTC -- 08:15 and again around 10:30 UTC (not my usual listening hours! 2-4 + am MDT)

I was tuning around and hit 6190 and manipulated down to a listenable signal at 6188. No such thing at EiBI or ILG. So I searched for 6190 and found something between 0700 and 0800 for the BBC Ea/So Africa which wouldn't work because I tuned in again later. Then I came across BLR Belorusskoye Radio 1 to E Eu. (0600-2200 EiBi)

Problem is I never heard a voice the whole time I listened, even around 0800 when you would expect to hear an ID.
At the start, I heard two instrumental, "live" performances which I recognized as ...Louis Armstrong! Followed by "What a Wonderful World" (also live version) and another ballad. Then, after this Armstrong segment, another segment started immediately -- almost a New Age sound to it, a woman singing, very repetitive melody, some bell like sounds. Then another, similar sounding piece and a third....I tuned out at this point, then tuned in again about 10:30 and heard something sounding like a lush, string instrumental piece, possibly slightly "oriental" in flavor.

Reception was very noisy, but pretty strong.

Any clues?? Was I really listening to BLR out here in Southern NM?? (I have been monkeying around with a 75 foot wire, but haven't really made a final installation. It's up only about 15 feet and sagging between another pole about 7-8 feet high)

Also, I received a QSL card and sticker today from Radio Vlaaderen (Belgium).

YB400PE and a saggy wire

"Here in America we are descended in blood and in spirit from revolutionists and rebels--men and women who dare to dissent from accepted doctrine. As their heirs, we may never confuse honest dissent with disloyal subversion."- Dwight D. Eisenhower,
May 31, 1954


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