Pompano Beach Florida ~ NRD 535D

ECUADOR  4781.33 Radio Oriental, Tena 1000-1105 blasting in with musica
andina. Tnx Mark Mohrmann. Too close to the previous log of Radio
Tacana   for comfort. Early fade pattern on CP log, could have been
transmitter. If CP is there, should now be buried under the Radio
Oriental signal. 24 Sept.   [Wilkner-FL]

GUATEMALA  4780  R Cultural Coatan, very strong signal   1020-1115

HONDURAS  3340 Radio Misiones    0320 -0340  time check ID by om

PERU   4835.41  Radio Marañon, Jaen  1055 ID by om, seemingly poor
modulation. Tnx  Bjorn Malm observation / correction [Wilkner-FL]

PERU  4386.70t.  Radio Imperio, Chiclayo  0945-1010  om talk with
audience or congregation;  Priest and congregation? [Wilkner-FL]  Seems
similar in programme detail  to August log by Samuel Cássio Martins,
São Carlos, Brasil in [HCDX].  rlcw

MEXICO  4810.  0930 - 1130 no sign of signal [Wilkner-FL]

UNID  5833.8  1030-1110  [Wilkner-FL]

MYANMAR  5040.54 Radio Myanmar 1100 - 1120  yl  minorities programme, no
longer // 4725 which seems  silent. These two fqy's were parallel
several months ago. [Wilkner-FL]

73's  Bob

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