6010 Radio Parinacota, Putre, 0840-0850, November 04.
Spanish. Very nice folk music of different Chile regions.
TC: "es la hora 5, con 41 minutos".
ID: "Radio Parinacota es la radio de los caminos", 33433
(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina)

6165 Adventist World Radio, Bonaire, 2300-2310, November 02.
Spanish. Musical jingle with ID: "Radio Mundial Adventista",
programme "Hogar Feliz", with councils for the family. 44444
(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina)

5906,37 Radio Melodia, Arequipa, 2348-2358, November 03.
Spanish. Tecnocumbias. ID: "...Radio Melodia".
Very bad modulation and QRM from rural communications.
Thanks DXer Alfredo Caņote for the tip. Alfredo was
the first log for this station in this new frequency
in November 02 and his log is in a messagge in
Conexion Digital List., 43333
(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina)

5906,42 Radio Melodia, Arequipa, 0815-0835, November 04.
Spanish. Programme: "Melodia en la Noticia". News.
Coomentary about the water provider in Arequipa.
TC: "3 y 22". After, talk about the Sudamerican Cup.
Ann.: "Melodia en la noticia....para que Usted, amigo
oyente, este informado a traves de Melodia en la noticia",
24432 with best reception in LSB mode.
Thanks DXer Alfredo Caņote for the tip. Alfredo was
the first log for this station in this new frequency
in November 02 and his log is in a messagge in
Conexion Digital List.
(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina)

6479,45 Radio Altura, Huarmaca, 0000-0012, November 04.
Spanish. Andean music. The programme is conduced by a
male. ID's: "...Radio Altura del Peru.." & "...Radio
Altura....Radio Altura!!!!!....", 24432
(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina)

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