Hallo Finn,
On the 30th of october at 0128UTC I heard short Turkish talks and Qoran
songs for at least one hour on 6150.
The station was received during  aurora coditions and was very strong.
No ID was heard and I myself was thinking about Radio Bayrak because of the
Turkish announcement.

UNID 6150.8, 2347-0000+ Nov 3, very few anns in English, otherwise pops.
Prgr probably called 'The World on Weekend' as ann'd just before 2400 (prgr
name very tent) also something like '...on this Saturday afternoon from ...
and his ... team' - so obviously tape.

7470, The Arabic Radio, 1625-1630 Nov 5, Arabic with clear IDs at sign off
1630. Fine signal.

CONGO (pres) 9610, R Congo-Brazaville, 1655-1700 Nov 5, local lang with
mention of 'Radio Nationale'. Very weak.

Finn Krone

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