ASCENSION ISLAND      BBCWS Relay      12.095    2325 GMT    EE     444 Nov
6th     Two OMs with internet piracy of music topic. YL with comments on
world famous department stores.    MacKenzie-CA

AUSTRALIA      Radio Australia      21.740    2215 GMT    EE     544 Nov 8th
YL with interview of OM on the subject of Iraq. //13620 [222], 17715 [433]
and 17795 [434].    MacKenzie-CA

BONAIRE      Radio Japan Relay      17.605    2355 GMT    JJ     444 Nov 6th
OM with comments and off the air by 2358 hrs.  //11665 [333] and 11910
[333].    MacKenzie-CA

CHINA      CPBS      12.045    2320 GMT    CC     444 Nov 6th     YL with
comments and background music at times. OM with comments at 2322 hrs.

KOREA, South      Radio Korea Intl       15.575     2340 GMT    JJ     333
Nov 6th     OM ancr with childrens choir type music.    MacKenzie-CA

MEXICO      Radio Mexico Intl      11.770    2223 GMT    SS     322 Nov 8th
Spanish music vocals. //9705 [222].    MacKenzie-CA

NORTH MARIANAS      Radio Free Asia      15.430    2335 GMT    CC     333
Nov 6th     YL interviewing OMs. China music jammer heard in the background
at [222].    MacKenzie-CA

    Propagation is beginning to perk up here in California!!!

Stewart H. MacKenzie, WDX6AA
"World Friendship Through Shortwave Radio Where Culture and Language Meet"

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