Monday morning 11/24at 0615 UTC (Sunday night 11/23 here in New Mexico) I decided to play around with my little $10 Bell and Howell SW radio. I picked up a very strong signal of what was a BBC broadcast that I heard earlier --so I thought I had the BBC. A station id broke in for "National Radio". Intrigued, I listened all the way to 0700 and beyond, and found out that this was National Radio from New Zealand! It was around 15600 on the analog dial of the B & H.

While listening I tried to find this station on my Grundig YB400PE. I tried my two longwire antennas (each about 50 ft running NS and EW with coax feeds)) then the shorter one (about 22' with an alligator to the whip). Well, I couldn't bring this station in on the Grundid with with any of my antennas! Meanwhile, it's blasting away on the little B & H!

I've been having very poor luck with getting RNZI since the schedule change and Australia is only now coming back. So I was VERY surprised to get National Radio from NZ! I checked the website and it does seem that this indeed is what I heard last night.

I really don't know the exact frequency, however, since the B&H has only the broadly marked analog tuning. Could anybody lend some insight into this National Radio frequency....and the weird conditions that enabled me to hear this and yet get either very poor or no signal out of RNZI (which used to come in like gangbusters!)... and also, not be able to pick up National Radio on the Grundig??


"Here in America we are descended in blood and in spirit from revolutionists and rebels--men and women who dare to dissent from accepted doctrine. As their heirs, we may never confuse honest dissent with disloyal subversion."- Dwight D. Eisenhower,
May 31, 1954


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