Getting some nice DX during the early morning hours
here in the White Mountains, though today conditions
were so-so. Very windy outdoors creating static across
my longwires!

2310, AUSTRALIA, ABC, 1016-1030, Dec.12, English?, OM
w/ music and talks, audible tho not enough to detail, 
//2325, 2485 inaudible. (Barbour-NH)

3315, ADMIRALTY ISLAND, 1140-1151, Dec.11, English,
Elvis', "Love me Tender", diff. singer w/ "Have
yourself a merry little Xmas". OM at 1145 followed by
pop mx. V.poor, // 4890. (Barbour-NH)

3345, MOLUCCAS, RRI Ternate(presumed), 2156-2159*,
Dec.11, Checked out Rich D'Angelo's F.C.DXpedition log
(also presumed), posted in December's NASWA Journal. I
logged exactly the same thing, music at t/in, barely
audible talk? followed by choral music (NA?) cut-off
at 2159*. Poor. (Barbour-NH)

3355, PAPUA NEW GUINEA, R.Simbu(presumed), 1135-1140,
Dec.11, music and talks w/ much more QRN than my Dec.9
log. Still need to work on this one. (Barbour-NH)

3976, KALIMANTAN, RRI Pontianak, 1014-1024, Dec.11,
Indo, YL w/ music and talks, poor/weak, Fair at 1105
re-check under "ham" QRM. (Barbour-NH)

4000, INDONESIA, RRI Kendari, 1053-1104, Dec.11, Indo,
Talk followed by musical jingle and vocal music, OM
briefly at 1100. V.poor, weak w/ het. (Barbour-NH)

4800, CHINA, CPBS,Geermu, 2218-2230, Dec.11, Mandarin,
 OM and YL w/ alternating talks, several (presumed)
announcements over music, ballad at 2228, jingle w/
talks at 2230. Poor, fading-out by 2230. (Barbour-NH)

4890, PAPAU NEW GUINEA, NBC, 1119-1133, Dec.12,
English, Pop music, including Fleetwood Mac
"Everywhere". OM between songs on occasion. Fair/poor.

4895, INDIA, AIR Kuresong(presumed), Dec.12, English,
Music by Simon and Garfunkle's "Bridge over troubled
waters" and one more I couldn't ID. Poor, fading fast
by 1210. (Barbour-NH)

6150, SINGAPORE, R.Singapore Int'l, 1154-1202, Dec.12,
English, Olivia Newton-John, "Magic", OM w/ "I'll be
home for Xmas" cut-off at 1158 for YL w/ ID
announcment, schedule followed by news. Fair.

7235, SINGAPORE, R.Singapore Int'l, 1137-1150, Dec.12,
Malay, OM w/ news, mentions Australia and Indonesia,
jingles/ads at 1139 followed by talks w/ brief music
bits. Fair when co-channel "ham" traffic absent, //
9665 poor. (Barbour-NH)

Scott R Barbour Jr-Intervale,NH-USA
R75, MLB-1, RS longwire w/ RBA balun.

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