PORTUGUAL-R.DIFF.PORTUGESA-hrd in portugese at 1415 on
 21.830 with fair signal built up to good by 1430.hrd
female with talk light music,id by om at 1428

GABON-AFRICA NO ONE-PRESUMED-hrd at 1513 on 17.630
with good signalhrd male with talk and playing rap
music possible id at 1529

CUBA-CHINA RADIO INTER-hrd in english at 1537 on
17.720 with transmitter problems.heard male and female
with a talk on high schools in china

SOUTH AFRICA-CHANNEL AFRICA-hrd in english at 1548 on
17.770 with good signal.hrd male talking on gender
violence in south africa.id at 1550

SWITZERLAND-SRI-hrd in italian at *1630 on 15.550 with
good signal.heard the interval signal,full id and freq
sched in english by female,into italian

Ron Trotto,WDX4KWI,Waggoner,IL,U.S.A.

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