Mark  Mohrmann
Coventry, Vt. USA
NRD 535D
V-Beam 140m @180 deg.

ARGENTINA 2379.84 LRA15 Radio Nacional Tucumán (2x1190),
Jan 12, 0923-1000, apparent news program with male and 
female announcer, canned "Nacional" ID's, 0930 3 time 
pips into longer network ID "...Nacional...Santa Rosa...
Rosario, Córdoba, Formosa, Governador...Bahia Blanca...
somos RNA...Santiago de..." fair to good signal, fading
and gone by 1010. (Mohrmann-VT)

BRAZIL 3375.08 Radio Educadora, Jan 12, 0950, ad block
followed by announcer with time check and ID. Good
signal. (Mohrmann-VT)

ECUADOR 3279.53 La Voz del Napo, Jan 14, 0940, Spanish
ID in the middle of Vernacular talk "...Radio La Voz del
Napo...", excellent signal. (Mohrmann-VT)

PERU 6173.84 Radio Tawantinsuyo, Jan 12, 1046, Andean vocals,
announcer with time check and "Radio Tawantinsuyo" ID into
more Andean music, good signal. (Mohrmann-VT)

PERU 6188.02 Radio Oriente, Jan 12, 1038, Andean vocal,
announcer with time check over song, 1044 canned ID
during promo block, good signal strength but sandwiched
between BBC 6195 splatter and R Educacion 6185 het.

PERU 6819.42 La Voz de las Huarinjas, Jan 12, 1031-1116,
Andean vocals, announcer between songs with time checks
and ID's, fair signal. (Mohrmann-VT)

PERU 6956.89 Radio La Voz del Campesino, Jan 13, 0138-0202*, 
Andean vocals, announcer between songs with ID in passing at
0153, sign-off with short instrumental tune at 0202. Very
good signal. (Mohrmann-VT)

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