3985, CLANDESTINE, KOREA(REP) "Echo of Hope",
1144-1208, Jan.24, Korean?, Ballads and talks under
occasional ham chatter, singal gradually building in
strength until obliterated by ham "pile-on" at 1200.
// 6348 weak, but in-the-clear, with talks continuing
until 1208. Poor. tune-out. (Barbour-NH)

4052.47, GUATEMALA, R.Verdad, 0457-0508, Jan.24,
Spanish/Englsih, Religous ballads, YL and OM w/
Spanish and English ID announcement at 0502 then back
to music. Fair w/ static bursts. (Barbour-NH)

4810, MEXICO, XERTA, 1213-1232, Jan.24,
Spanish/English?, Fair signal at tune-in,
deteriorating quickly under "sweeper" QRM.
Contemporary religous pops and ballads, tentative ID
in English at 1228 but could only make out, "This is
.." followed by what sounded like call-letters then
violin music poking thru the mess until tune-out.

5905, UKRAINE, R.Ukraine Int'l, 0400-0421, Jan.23,
English, IS, ID, news re Putin to visit Ukraine;
relations and unity, Ukranian and EU integration.
Announcer's rapid-fire, breathless delivery made for
difficult listening. Prg. "Ukraine Today" w/ more
local political news. Fair signal with muffled

6040, THAILAND, R.Thailand, 1136-1148, Jan.23,
Laotian/Burmese (listed), Laotian talks w/ mx bits,
ballad, ID/IS at 1144, mintue of silence then back
with IS/ID and news in Burmese. Poor. (Barbour-NH)

PIRATE, NORTH AMERICA, 6955, WJFK, Unsolicited
"Broadcasting through-out Eternity" QSL sheet with the
date 1998 and frequency 7415 crossed out, replaced
with 2003 and 6955. Also included was the UPC bar code
from a bubble gum wrapper. (Barbour-NH)

I receieved a similar WJFK QSL last year for a
broadcast I never heard. Based on what I have read in
the DX/Pirate press, WJFK did not broadcast this year.
I will gratefullyy acccept it as my current QSL
response rate has slowed to a crawl. Maybe this is the
new trend in QSLing, stations you don't hear that
don't broadcast issue cards while the stations you 
log and write too don't reply!

Scott R Barbour Jr-Intervle,NH-USA
R75, MLB-1, RS longwire with RBA balun.

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