3249.34, HONDURAS, R.Luz y Vida, 1121-1134, Jan.27,
English/Spanish, OM w/ EG religous talks, YL w/
over-lapping SP translation, ID at 1124, mx prg at
1126 w/ pop-like music and ballads, Fair. (Barbour-NH)

3925, JAPAN, R.Tampa, 1137-1154, Jan.27, Japanese,
Piano recital at t/in, then OM w/ long talk beginning
at 1140, still going at tune-out. Poor, // 6055
audible w/ HCJB, 6050 "splatter". (Barbour-NH)

4052.47, GUATEMALA, R.Verdad, 0457-0508, Jan.24,
Spanish/Englsih, Religous ballads, YL and OM w/
Spanish and English ID announcement at 0502 then back
to music. Fair w/ static bursts. (Barbour-NH)

4635, TAJIKISTAN, Tajik Radio (presumed), 2252-2317,
Jan.26, Tajik?, Folk-like vocal and instrumental music
at t/in, OM at 2300 w/ presumed ID followed by
up-beat,dance-like music then 2 announcers, brief
dance music, announcer then choral music. Presumed
news beginning at 2303 w/ OM and YL b/w brief musical
bits, field reports. Poor/weak, fading out at 2317
under tolerable noise level. (Barbour-NH)

4760, LIBERIA, ELWA Radio, 2215-2231*, Jan.26,
English, Contemporaray religous ballads, whisper-quiet
announcer at 2229 followed by NA. Rough copy w/
static. (Barbour-NH)

4800, CHINA, CPBS,Geermu, 2233-2250, Jan.26,
Manadarin, OM and YL w/ talks and banter, breif
musical bits. Fading in as "sweeper" QRM lessens.

4810v, MEXICO, R.XERTA, 1126-1151, Feb.1,
English/Spanish, Contemporary religous music in
English, swithced to Spanish at 1140, YL w/ "canned"
IDs in Spanish at 1130, 1140 and 1142 tho too much
transmitter hum,"sweeper" QRM and muffled audio to get
good copy on either of the three. Kept shuffling the
dial between 4809-4810 in .01 kHz increments, unsure
if the signal or the interference was drifting.

4830, HONDURAS, R.Litoral, 0441-0503*, Jan.25,
English/Spanish, Religous prg. "Searchlight" w/
Thanksgiving Day broadcast, OM at 0456 w/ Spanish ID
and s/off announcements. Fair. (Barbour-NH)

4902.68, BOLIVIA, R.San Miguel, 1021-1033, Jan.30,
Spanish, OM w/ talks and PSA, more talks and field
reports re "policia programa". ID at 1030. Good w/
lite static. (Barbour-NH)

4940, VENEZUELA, R.Amazonas, 0958-1019, Jan.30,
Spanish, Music w/ "canned" IDs at 1005 and 1015, brief
"zingers" between musical selections. OM w/ remote,
lots of cheering and crowd noises. Weak but clear.

5030, PERU, R.Los Andes, 1123-1138, Jan.31, Spanish,
Music and ballads w/ breif talks b/w selections,
several breaks in audio, "zinger" ID at 1125, Fading
out under static. (Barbour-NH)

5860, CHINA, VO Jinling, 1155-1218, Jan.31, Mandarin,
Ballad at t/in, pips (5+1) YL w/ ID, "Jinling zhi
Sheng", brief musical bits w/ talk overs until 1204
followed by OM w/ long talk b/w brief jazz-like
musical bits continuing thru tune-ouot. Fiar w/ mild
QRN and fades. (Barbour-NH)

6185, CHINA, Huayi B.C. Company, 1154-1218, Jan.27,
Mandarin/English, Announcers w/ lite banter and talks
over music, ballads and EG ID, "This is F.M. ??. China
Huayi Broadcasting Company". Fair at t/in, fading by
tune-out. No sign of co-channel R.Educacion, Mexico
who apparently signed off a bit early. (Barbour-NH)

9820, INDIA, AIR Panaji, 1307-1322, Jan.27, Hindi
music and talk w/ fair signal, // 7275 AIR Chennai
poor, // 15050 AIR Delhi good tho w/ open-carrier only
at initial tune-in. (Barbour-NH)

11770, NIGERIA, VO Nigeria (presumed), 1903-1920,
Jan.27, French, News w/ field reports, Afropops and
French language ballads, tlks begining at 1914 re
"West Africa". No ID noted. Fair w/ "splatter" via
11765 VOIRI (Barbour-NH)

15125, ASCENSION ISLAND, FEBA Radio, 1838-1848,
Jan.27, French, Religous talks and instrumental music,
ID at 1845 into new prg. Poor, mixing w/ co-channel
REE via Costa Rica. (Barbour-NH)


SPAIN: "Espanoles en la Mar" via REE, 11625, f/d QSL
letter and form letter, both in Spanish, "RN 5" and
"RNE En Carnaval, Seamos gente 10" stickers in 16 days
for 1 IRC and an English report to the Espanoles en la
Mar, Apartado 1233, 38080 Santa Cruz de Tenerife,
Canary Island address. V/S, Mary Cortes  (Barbour-NH)

73 and Good DX,
Scott R Barbour Jr-Intervale,NH-USA
R75, MLB-1, RS longwire w/ RBA balun.

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