Greetings to all,

Finally getting to spend some quality time at the
receiver after a busy February school vacation work
week. (All work and no play makes Scott a dull boy.)
The plus side to it is that everything sounds "new"
after a week away!

3300, GUATEMALA, R.Cultural (presumed), Feb.23,
1046-1053, Spanish, Music noted under excessive static
and QRN, short talk then back to music at 1053. Very
por, noisy. (Barbour-NH)

3306, ZIMBABWE, ZBC/R.Zimbabwe, 2146-2203*?, Feb.23,
Vernacular/English, Reggae music in EG, including a
version of "Whiter shade of grey" w/ OM talk over in
Vern. Choral like music at 2159 abruptly engulfed in
noise at 2203. No ID noted. Unsure if sign-off or just
excessive noise but nothing else noted after listening
for several minutes. Fair signal hampered by excessive
static. (Barbour-NH)

3306, ZIMBABWE, ZBC/R.Zimbabwe, Feb.24, Vernacular,
Continuos instrumental Afropop music w/ OM talk over
at each songs end. Signing OM w/ choral accompaniment
at 0132 and 0200, possibly a "jingle" ID tho no
mention of Zimbabwe. Fair signal w/ much less static
and fading as my prior 2146-2203 log. (Barbour-NH)

3976, KALIMANTAN, RRI Pontianak, 1016-1030, Feb.23,
Indonesian, Indo music and talks, presumed
ads/announcements at 1028 followed by preseumd ID at
1030, immediately over-taken by amatuer traffic.
Weak/poor. (Barbour-NH)

5046.87, TOGO, R.Togolaise, 2046-2108, Feb.23, French,
Afropop-like music and brief talks, wind instrumental
at 2100 w/ tentative ID mentioning "Togo", more wind
and drum music into talks w/ 2 OM. Clear but weak,
slowly improving by t/out. Thanks to Jari S. tip

7270, INDIA, AIR Chennai, 1201-1222, Feb.24, Continuos
Hindi music w/ YL briefly on the fives; 1210, 1215 and
1220. Solid ID at 1215. // 7270 Mumbai just audible.
Weak w/ mild ham chatter on occasion. Not as strong
here as the service to Sri Lanka was but then if I am
reading my DX info correctly this frequency is now
targeting NW India. (Barbour-NH)

9525, INDONESIA, VO Indonesia, 1115-1132, Feb.24,
English/Mandarin/Japanese, Ballads at tune-in, OM w/
English ID and web address info, YL in Mandarin at
1129 with Jakarta postal address. Japanese service at
1130 w/ ID and talk over music. Fair at tune-in,
deteriorating by 1130. (Barbour-NH)

9750, MALAYSIA, VO Islam/VO Malaysia, 1047-1103,
Feb.24, Indonesian, Ballads w/ YL between selections,
YL w/ singing "Saura Islam" jingle, wind and
percussion instruments at 1100 into OM w/ news.
Fair/fluttery signal. (Barbour-NH)

9770, SRI LANKA, SLBC, 1230-1243, Feb.24, English, YL
w/ frequency schedule at t/in, Disney movie soundtrack
music, "Can you feel the love tonight"; "A whole new
world" and other children's music, "This old man (came
rolling home)" and "Skip to my Loo, My Darling".
Poor/weak, deteriorating by tune-out. (Barbour-NH)

I have heard this same type of childrens music format
on SLBC earlier this winter, in addition to
country/western music and Frank Sinatra/"Big Band" era
music on different days. Does SLBC feature certain
musical styles for each day of the week? I will check
my log book to see if the last time I heard the
childrens music program was also on a Tuesday (NH
local time).

15070, PAKISTAN, R.Pakistan, 1222-1229*, Feb.24,
Mandarin, Ko'ran-like singing/chanting at tune-in, OM
in Mandarin at 1225 until NA at 1228. Poor. // 11570
stronger but disrupted by intermittient air horn-like
QRN blasts. (Barbour-NH) 


CANADA/CUBA: China Radio Int'l via Sackville and
Havana, 9700, 9580, Nice package containing f/d
"Jinggan Mountains, Jiangxi, Dawn at Ciping" card,
stickers, colorful paper pennant and personal note on
a "CRI, China's Endangered Rare Animals" card
depicting the Slow Loris in 22 days for 1 IRC. Not the
first package from CRI but definetly the most
attractive. (Barbour-NH)

GERMANY: infoRADIO/Rundfunk-Berlin Brandenburg via
Sudwestrundfunk, 7265, p/d (date & frequency) "rbb"
logo card w/ station stamp and blank "Sender Freies
Berlin" studios card in 18 days. V/S, Illegible

GUAM: AWR, 15495, f/d "3 Wise Men" cd w/ site in 26
days from UK address for rpt sent to Guam address.

RUSSIA: Radio Vlaanderen Int'l via Irkutsk, 9945, f/d,
"Aalst, Belfort" card in 40 days for $1 (returned).

USA: WINB, 9320, f/d red, white and blue card w/
schedule in 26 days for SASE (used). V/S, Fred W.
Wise. (Barbour-NH)

Scott R Barbour Jr-Intervale,NH-USA
R75, MLB-1, RS longwire w/ RBA balun.

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