4387, PERU, R.Imperio (presumed), 0958-1016, March 29,
Spanish, OM w/ religous talk over mx, Church service
at 1000 w/ occasional YL w/ "Santa Maria's", cut-off
for more OM over music at 1008 then back to church
service. Good signal tho no ID noted. (Barbour-NH)

4429v, PERU, R. Bambamarca, 1018-1032, March 29,
Spanish, Caliope-like music, OM w/ ID and talk at
1026, back to music, fading under "sweeper" at 1032.
Poor,constantly tuning down to avoid drifting
"sweeper" QRM. (Barbour-NH)

4939.7, VENEZUELA, R.Amazonas, 2328-2355, March 30,
Spanish, Nice mix of LA music, canned
IDs/announcements from 2336-2345 then back to music.
Weak, poor w/ lots of static. Het at 2347, India s/on?

6215, ARGENTINA, R.Baluarte, 2358-0017, March 30,
Spanish, OM w/ religous service and "Hallelujah's" at
t/in, religous music from 0002-0016 w/ occasional OM
talk over and ID in passing at 0011. More religous
service, "Hallelujah" at 0017. Noisy, weak but steady.

11620, INDIA, AIR Aligarh (ex-Delhi), 1220-1237, March
30, Burmese/English, OM and YL w/ banter over music,
contact info and (p) program name in unison, sounded
like the same "Faithfully Yours" mailbag duo. ID in
Burmese and English at 1230, news in English re
various political parties, back to Burmese at 1235.
Fair/poor, best in LSB. (Barbour-NH)

11630, CHINA, CPBS,Lingshi, 1248-1303, March 30,
Mandarin, OM and YL w/ news, interviews and various
sound-bites. ID at 1300 followed by YL. Fair, choppy
and fading at 1300. (Barbour-NH)

11655, CUBA, R.Rebelde, 1312-1322*, March 30,
English/Spanish, Slow, English version of "Whiter
Shade of Grey", festive Cuban music then YL announcer
cut-off at 1322. No ID noted. (Barbour-NH)

11660, CHINA, CPBS,Xi'an, 1323-1335, March 30,
Mandarin, OM w/ talks between brief piano music bits,
Fanfare at 1330 followed w/ diff. music and OM w/ ID.
Fair/fluttery signal. (Barbour-NH)

11690, UNITED KINGDOM, R.Canada Int'l relay,
2022-2047, March 30, English, "Canada Today" re
African immigrant's high suicide rates, low-land
gorillas in DPR, Congo. IDs and "Maple Leaf Mailbag"
live from the Yellowknife Caribou Festival in the
Northwest Territory. Poor/fair w/ fades and ute QRM
which was reduced by using LSB. (Barbour-NH)

Scott R Barbour Jr-Intervale, NH-USA
R75, MLB-1, RS longwire w/ RBA balun.

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