Cland  4220  unIDed   1610 talks by OM in Arabic , mentions on 
KUrdistan ,1615  a childish song . Signal S2 with fluttering carrier.  
strong QRM by SITOR . NEarly inaudible reception. Liangas May 8th 
Thessaloniki  Greece 

S'PORE 3915 BBC 1632 with news erports . NMice S9 signal  33233 
Liangas May 8th Thessaloniki  Greece

INDIA 4895 AIR Kolkata  1632 with religious muisc . OM with reeligious 
talking in HIndi and English S7 max, 34232 Liangas May 8th 
Thessaloniki  Greece

XIZANG 4905 Xizang PBS 1652 with talks in English , a children song 
then thanking listners for joining . Immediate tibetan porgram with talks 
and muisc. S5-7 . 23232 QRM with soem QRM fom 4902 t. SLBC 
//7385 at S9+  7385 also well audible at S7 on 9-5 Liangas May 8th 
Thessaloniki  Greece

INDIA 5010 AIR Trivandrum  1704 with relig muisc . S9 max , 34233 
Liangas May 8th Thessaloniki  Greece Also heard on 1603 on 9th with 
S7 34333 liekely as preach 

cland? 11530 presumably on V of Mesopotamis at 0540  I found a 
religius program in French . I can suppose AWR . A mizing erroer??? 
Liangas May 9th Thessaloniki  Greece

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