Report from Mark Connelly - Times / dates = UTC / 2004
(logs: MAY 2004)

[Connelly*R-MA] = Rockport, MA
(GC= 70.622 W / 42.667 N)
(Granite Pier) 

[Connelly*rw-MA] = Rowley, MA, USA
(GC= 70.829 W / 42.745 N)
(Stackyard Road / Parker River - Nelson Island wildlife refuge: salt-marsh)

Drake R8A receiver, Superphaser-2 phasing unit

Antenna system:
 (Rockport): 2 m x 2 m square broadband loop, 1.8 m active whip
 (Rowley): Beverage-on-Ground (BOG) 152 m (beamed east), active whip

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531 | ALGERIA | Chaine 1, Ain-El-Beida, MAY 20 0133 - // 549 with Arabic music; poor, 
over co-channel Spain and RVC-530 slop. [Connelly*rw-MA]

549 | ALGERIA | Chaine 1, Les Trembles, MAY 20 0132 - // 890.98 with Arabic orchestra 
and male vocal; HUGE. [Connelly*rw-MA]

558 | SPAIN | RNE R.5 synchros, MAY 20 0131 - // 585 with Spanish news by woman; to 
good peak over WGAN slop. [Connelly*rw-MA]

567 | IRELAND | RTE R.1, Tullamore, MAY 20 0130 - // 252 with discussion about Irish 
immigrants in the USA; slightly over Spain & an unidentified station. [Connelly*rw-MA]

585 | SPAIN | RNE R.1, Madrid, MAY 6 0150 - // 684 with talk; poor. [Connelly*R-MA] + 
MAY 20 0128 - // 774 with woman in Spanish; good. [Connelly*rw-MA]

603 | FRANCE | France Bleu, Lyon, MAY 20 0127 - // 1377 with rock music; poor, over 2 
others. [Connelly*rw-MA]

612 | MOROCCO | RTM A, Sebaa-Aioun, MAY 20 0125 - Arabic vocal, strings; fair. 

621 | CANARY ISLANDS // SPAIN | RNE R.1 synchros, Santa Cruz de Tenerife et al., MAY 6 
0149 - // 639 with Spanish talk; fair. [Connelly*R-MA]

639 | SPAIN | RNE R.1, La Coruna, MAY 6 0149 - // 621 with talk; poor. [Connelly*R-MA]

684 | SPAIN | RNE R.1, Sevilla, MAY 6 0148 - man & woman in Spanish; poor to fair. 

756 | GERMANY | DeutschlandRadio, Braunschweig & Ravensburg, MAY 20 0050 - classical 
piano music; good. [Connelly*rw-MA]

756 | SPAIN | R. Euskadi, Bilbao, MAY 6 0057 - Spanish talk; over Germany. 

765 | SWITZERLAND | RSR, Sottens, MAY 20 0046 - "Like a Rolling Stone" by Bob Dylan 
from '65; to good peak. [Connelly*rw-MA]

774 | SPAIN | RNE R.1 synchros, MAY 6 0124 - // 1152 with discussion; poor. 

792 | FRANCE | Limoges, MAY 20 0048 - // 1377 with Aretha Franklin vocal; under Spain. 

792 | SPAIN | SER, Seville, MAY 20 0047 - SER Spanish news; over France. 

819 | EGYPT | ERTU, Batra, MAY 6 0145 - Arabic music not parallel to Morocco-612. 

837 | AZORES | Centro Regional da RDP, Pico da Barrosa, MAY 6 0146 - Portuguese talk; 
in jumble with French, Spanish, and Arabic-sounding stations. [Connelly*R-MA]

837 | CANARY ISLANDS // SPAIN | COPE synchros, MAY 20 0043 - Spanish teletalk; atop 
pile. [Connelly*rw-MA]

855 | SPAIN | RNE R.1 synchros, MAY 6 0142 - // 1152 with talk; good. [Connelly*R-MA]

864 | EGYPT | Holy Koran R., Santah, MAY 20 0035 - Arabic vocal; blowing France away. 

864 | FRANCE | Paris, MAY 6 0142 - French and American pop-rock; dominant. 

873 | SPAIN | SER synchros, MAY 6 0141 - // 1044 with teletalk; fair. [Connelly*R-MA]

882 | CANARY ISLANDS // SPAIN | COPE synchros, MAY 6 0140 - Spanish talk; slightly 
atop the pile. [Connelly*R-MA]

890.98 | ALGERIA | Chaine 1, Algiers, MAY 6 0140 - violin music, Arabic talk by woman 
(muffled audio); monster S9+25 carrier. [Connelly*R-MA]

909 | UNITED KINGDOM | BBC R.5 synchros, MAY 6 0138 - man & woman in English; poor. 

918 | SPAIN | R. Intercontinental, Madrid, MAY 6 0138 - Spanish teletalk; fair over 
CJCH slop. [Connelly*R-MA]

945 | FRANCE | Toulouse, MAY 6 0137 - // 1206 with mellow George Benson type jazz; 
good. [Connelly*R-MA] + MAY 20 0038 - // 1206 with "Man On the Moon" by R.E.M.; good. 

954 | SPAIN | Onda Cero, Madrid, MAY 6 0137 - Spanish talk, interview; fair. 

972 | LIBYA | Libyan Jamahiriya BC, Sirte, MAY 20 0038 - Arabic vocal; through Spain 
and tough WZAN slop. [Connelly*rw-MA]

981 | ALGERIA | RTVA Chaine 2, Algiers, MAY 5 2356 - plaintive female ballad that was 
almost Celtic-sounding, then into Arabic talk by man; excellent. [Connelly*R-MA]

999 | MOROCCO (t) | RTM A, Tanger, MAY 20 0040 - likely this with female, then male, 
Arabic vocals; under massive COPE-Spain signal. [Connelly*rw-MA]

999 | SPAIN | COPE, Madrid, MAY 5 2358 - fast Spanish talk & teletalk; very good. 

1008 | CANARY ISLANDS | Onda Cero, Las Palmas, MAY 6 0136 - Spanish talk, teletalk; 
good, over SER station. [Connelly*R-MA]

1044 | MOROCCO | Sebaa-Aioun, MAY 5 2334 - blues-influenced Berber group vocal; at 
light audio level on good carrier. [Connelly*R-MA] + MAY 19 2351 - Koranic vocal; over 
Spain. [Connelly*rw-MA]

1044 | SPAIN | SER synchros, MAY 6 0118 - // 1287 with Spanish teletalk; very good. 

1071 | SPAIN | Euskadi Irratia, Bilbao, MAY 6 0127 - // 1197 with rock music; good, 
over CBA slop. [Connelly*R-MA]

1098 | SPAIN | RNE R.5 synchros, MAY 6 0116 - // 1305 with Spanish talk with 
synchro-delay echo; good. [Connelly*R-MA]

1107 | SPAIN | RNE R.5 synchros, MAY 6 0125 - // 1152 with very echoey Spanish talk by 
two men; over unID that sounded Arabic (Egypt?). [Connelly*R-MA] + MAY 20 0118 - 
echoey talk // 774, 1152; fair, over Arabic station. [Connelly*rw-MA]

1116 | SPAIN | SER synchros, MAY 6 0125 - // 1044 with Spanish teletalk (female 
presenter), then a piano music interlude; fair to good. [Connelly*R-MA]

1125 | SPAIN | RNE R.5 synchros, MAY 20 0118 - // 774, 1152 with Spanish panel 
discussion; fair, over unID station. [Connelly*rw-MA]

1134 | CROATIA | Hrvatski R., Zadar, MAY 5 2336 - soul-style female vocal; over/under 
Spain. [Connelly*R-MA] + MAY 19 2355 - mellow US soul vocal; over Spain. 

1134 | SPAIN | COPE synchros, MAY 5 2336 - woman in Spanish; evenly mixed with 
Croatia. [Connelly*R-MA]

1143 | SPAIN | COPE synchros, MAY 6 0124 - // 1224 with Spanish talk; to fair peak 
over mess. [Connelly*R-MA] + MAY 19 2356 - talk; loud. [Connelly*rw-MA]

1152 | SPAIN | RNE R.5 synchros, MAY 6 0124 - // 774 with Spanish discussion; good. 
[Connelly*R-MA] + MAY 19 2357 - Spanish talk with a half-second synchro echo delay; 
good. [Connelly*rw-MA]

1161 | SPAIN | Euskadi Irratia, San Sebastian, MAY 20 0113 - bits of Spanish talk; in 
slop. [Connelly*rw-MA]

1170 | unID | MAY 20 0112 - a real mystery here with "Sawa type" pop Arabic music; 
mixing with nulled WWVA.  It soon faded. [Connelly*rw-MA]

1179 | CANARY ISLANDS // SPAIN | SER synchros, MAY 5 2335 - SER news; to good peak. 

1197 | SPAIN | Euskadi Irratia, Vitoria, MAY 6 0127 - // 1071 with rock music; fair. 

1206 | FRANCE | Bordeaux, MAY 5 2330 - // 1557 with synth-type dance music, then woman 
in French; good. + MAY 6 0142 - "Behind Blue Eyes" by the Who; local-like ! 

1215 | SPAIN | COPE synchros, MAY 6 0121 - // 1224 with man & woman in Spanish; under 
UK. [Connelly*R-MA]

1215 | UNITED KINGDOM | Virgin R. synchros, MAY 6 0121 - Coldplay or similar vocal, 
English talk giving telephone number; slightly over Spain. [Connelly*R-MA]

1224 | SPAIN | COPE synchros, MAY 6 0117 - talk // 1296; to good peak. [Connelly*R-MA]

1242 | FRANCE | Marseille, MAY 6 0119 - // 1206 with classical music, then woman in 
French; poor. [Connelly*R-MA]

1251 | LIBYA | Libyan Jamahiriya, Tripoli, MAY 5 2328 - man in Arabic; poor to fair. + 
MAY 6 0130 - now HUGE with Arabic newstalk. [Connelly*R-MA]

1287 | SPAIN | SER synchros, MAY 6 0118 - // 1044 with teletalk; poor to fair. 

1296 | SPAIN | COPE, Valencia, MAY 6 0117 - // 1224 with Spanish talk; fair over 
rumble. [Connelly*R-MA]

1305 | SPAIN | RNE R.5 synchros, MAY 6 0116 - // 1098 with Spanish talk with echo; 
fair. [Connelly*R-MA]

1314 | NORWAY | NRK, Kvitsoy, MAY 20 0108 - man & woman in Norwegian; good. 

1314 | SPAIN | RNE R.5 synchros, MAY 6 0115 - Spanish talk; over Norway. 

1332 | ITALY | RAI R. Uno synchros, MAY 6 0114 - classical music; fair. [Connelly*R-MA]

1359 | SPAIN | Arganda, MAY 6 0131 - Spanish talk; in slop. [Connelly*R-MA] + MAY 20 
0000 - pips, Radio Nacional Espana ID. [Connelly*rw-MA]

1377 | FRANCE | Lille, MAY 6 0058 - // 1206 with jazz, woman in French; through WMYF 
slop. [Connelly*R-MA]

1404 | FRANCE | synchros, MAY 6 0112  - // 1206 with light orchestral music; poor 
through WIDE-1400 slop. [Connelly*R-MA]

1413 | SPAIN | RNE R.5 synchros, MAY 6 0057 - echoey Spanish talk. [Connelly*R-MA]

1422 | ALGERIA | Algiers, MAY 6 0056 - dance-rap music, French talk; dominant. + MAY 6 
0100 - man in French gave timecheck "deux heures", then sign-off with march / anthem; 
good. [Connelly*R-MA] + MAY 20 0049 - Mideast dance club music; way over Germany. 

1422 | GERMANY | DeutschlandRadio, Heusweiler, MAY 6 0111 - classical music piano; 
fair, now in the clear after Algeria sign-off. [Connelly*R-MA]

1431 | DJIBOUTI | R. Sawa, Arta, MAY 5 2324 - woman in Arabic; through slop. + MAY 6 
0002 - "Cry Me a River" by Justin Timberlake, then Sawa mentions including Web URL. + 
MAY 6 0104 - booming in with "Macarena".  Are the Radio Disney programmers involved 
with Sawa ? [Connelly*R-MA] + MAY 20 0005 - good with pop dance music. [Connelly*rw-MA]

1485 | SPAIN | SER synchros, MAY 6 0109 - Spanish talk; under WBAE slop. 

1494 | FRANCE | synchros, MAY 6 0109 - // 1206 with orchestral music; to good peak. 
[Connelly*R-MA] + MAY 20 0105 - // 1377 with French talk; poor. [Connelly*rw-MA]

1503 | IRAN | IRIB, Bushehr, MAY 20 0052 - Koranic vocal; breaking over Spain. 

1503 | SPAIN | RNE R.5 synchros, MAY 6 0104 - Spanish news; loud. [Connelly*R-MA] + 
MAY 20 0008 - R. Nacional Espana ID, musical interlude. + MAY 20 0033 - // 774 with 
live version of "Song Sung Blue" by Neil Diamond; good. [Connelly*rw-MA]

1512 | SAUDI ARABIA | BSKSA, Jeddah, MAY 6 0108 - man in Arabic; good, getting by 
WWZN. [Connelly*R-MA] + MAY 20 0032 - Arabic vocal; over other station. 

1521 | SPAIN | SER, Castellon, MAY 20 0052 - // 1116 with speech, then discussion 
program. [Connelly*rw-MA] 

1548 | KUWAIT | R. Sawa, Kabd - Kuwait City, MAY 20 0025 - Arabic talk by woman, into 
Arabic vocal, then Sawa ID & Web URL; good. [Connelly*rw-MA]

1550 | ALGERIA | RASD Clandestine, Tindouf, MAY 5 2319 - // 7460 with Arabic speech, 
then oud music interlude; atop WNTN's Haitian Creole. [Connelly*R-MA]

1557 | FRANCE | Nice, MAY 5 2316 - French light rock with male vocal; good. 
[Connelly*R-MA] + MAY 20 0012 - // 1206 with modern synthesizer-based dance music. + 
MAY 20 0021 - now HUGE; demolishing WQEW. [Connelly*rw-MA]

1575 | ITALY | RAI R. Uno synchros, MAY 20 0018 - Italian talk; atop Spain. 

1575 | KUWAIT (CLANDESTINE) | Al Mustaqbal, MAY 20 0055 - Arabic rock vocal; over 
Italy, Spain, and something else on this "graveyard-like" channel. [Connelly*rw-MA]

1575 | SPAIN | SER synchros, MAY 5 2317 - fast SER news with slight echo. 

1584 | CEUTA | RadiOle, MAY 5 2317 - Spanish vocal & folk guitar; over others. 
[Connelly*R-MA] + MAY 20 0015 - RadiOle mention, then Arabic-influenced Spanish vocal 
with guitar; over/under SER teletalk. [Connelly*rw-MA]

1593 | KUWAIT | VOA, MAY 20 0019 - VOA English talk program; poor. [Connelly*rw-MA]

1602 | SPAIN | R. Vitoria, Vitoria, MAY 20 0020 - teen pop vocal; to good peak. 


555 | ST. KITTS & NEVIS | R. ZIZ, Basseterre, MAY 6 0151 â reggae & Afro-pop music, 
Caribbean-accented male announcer; fair to good. [Connelly*R-MA]

895 | ST. KITTS & NEVIS | V. of Nevis, Bath Village, MAY 6 0139 - mention of a special 
program for Mother's Day; good. [Connelly*R-MA]

1390.34 | unID | MAY 20 0106 - high-side het, possibly of domestic origin. 

1620 | US VIRGIN ISLANDS | WDHP, Fredriksted, St. Croix, MAY 6 0032 - 
Caribbean-accented local talkshow with man & woman; over Boston Haitian Creole pirate. 
[Connelly*R-MA] + MAY 20 0020 - Carib-accented talkshow mentioned the "VI budget"; 
loud. [Connelly*rw-MA]

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