New Audio Files Online: UAE-1170, UK-1089, Switzerland-765

I've posted online two audio clips of Radio Farda, United
Arab Emirates (1170 kHz), an audio clip of TalkSport, UK
(1089 kHz), and an audio clip of R.S.R. Switzerland
(765 kHz).  These were made at the Rowley, MA salt-
marsh site (Stackyard Road - Nelson Island - Parker
River National Wildlife Refuge) on Tuesday evening.
Links to these and other DX audio files are available
at "";.

Files may also be downloadable directly, as noted below.


Radio Farda - 1170 kHz: UAE

Heard on 21 SEP 2004 at 2340 UTC from Rowley, MA, USA

Farsi talk and Radio Farda ID.  WWVA was in deep null
produced by Superphaser-2 and two active-whip array
(E-W axis, spacing 60 m) in salt-marsh.


Radio Farda - 1170 kHz: UAE

Heard on 22 SEP 2004 at 0005 UTC from Rowley, MA, USA

End of US boy-band pop hit, then Farsi talk, phone
pushbutton beeps, Radio Farda ID, teletalk with beeps.
At the end of the recording, WWVA was taken out of
phase-null (revealing screaming preacher).


TalkSport - 1089 kHz: UK

Heard on 21 SEP 2004 at 2319 UTC from Rowley, MA, USA

Political interview with American editor, then adverts for
text-message chat/dating, legal services, insurance and
TalkSport presenter Alan Brazil.  Little or no 1090 QRM.
Near the end, the receiver was momentarily tuned off to
WTIC-1080 CT (Red Sox game) and then the phaser was
tweaked to reveal a slight heterodyne against 1089 from
weaker WBAL-1090.


Radio Suisse Romande - 765 kHz: Switzerland

Heard on 21 SEP 2004 at 2300 UTC from Rowley, MA, USA

Light music, jingle, then French talk including
1 a.m. timecheck, Radio Suisse Romande ID, news.


Mark Connelly, WA1ION - Billerica, MA, USA
---[Start Commercial]---------------------

World Radio TV Handbook 2004 is out!

---[End Commercial]-----------------------
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