Cland: Radio roj? at 6315 with kurdish songs at 1617  S3 Liangas 
23.1.5 Thessaloniki GReece 

PIate: RAdio strike 7120 on sat and Sunday  with nearly marginal 
signal over and under local QRN  with songs Signals: 2(max)2232 
22+23 Again heard on 0820 with 24433 ( local QRN stopped) Liangas 
23.1.5 Thessaloniki GReece 

IRAN 15200 VOIRI 1230  with IS and ID in INdoensian . Quranic 
verses and translation to Indonesian ,34423 S9 Liangas 23.1.5 
Thessaloniki GReece 

PAKISTAN  15100 R pakistan 0902 with news in Urdu . Echoed 34433 
S3 max  23.Liangas 23.1.5 Thessaloniki GReece 

CHINA 15880 CNR-? 0921  traditional chinese songs .14332 S0 or 3 
with 10 db prepamplification 23.1Liangas 23.1.5 Thessaloniki GReece 

ROMANIA 630 R Timisoara 1123, german programming with songs 
and  short comments in-between. ON 1145  with the best signal at 
time, was the song "alles gut in Gebutstag"(everything is good in 
birthday) with YL speaker  commenting abt and a phonein from 
MAgdalena   rememebering  her birthday when soemone has given as 
gift "breille"  Then another song and  YL then said that only 5 minutes 
remain for ending her program. New phone in and sinal aagin  lost  for 
the sake of  presume radio Tunis which had played all that time 
Quranic psalms  . Signal 32432 and S 1-4 max 
Liangas 23.1.5 Thessaloniki GReece 
Zacharias Liangas , Thessaloniki Greece 
greekdx @ otenet dot gr 
Pesawat penerima: ICOM R75 , Lowe HF150 , Degen 1102+1103 , 
c300/c979, Yupi 7000 , 
Antenna: 16m hor, 2x16 m V invert, 1m australian loop 

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