Interesting item from Peter Grenfell on this subject.

During 2004 NZPost issued a series of "labels" of exotic foods.
at $1.50 these are designed for International Post card use.

Later in the year,  a second set of labels was issued,  these 
just have NZ post logo,  New Zealand,  and $1.50,  and you can 
draw your own picture or stick items on the blank places.  I have
only this day made one with the badge of the "NZ DX Radio
Association (Inc)" on it.   Bit of a waste to use a 1.50 for local 
post but it is unique.   

Why they are not classed as stamps I do not know,  as are 
legal for postage local and international.   They come in packs
of 6 (ie $1.50 x 6),  may only be available from NZ Post Shops
as opposed to agencies,  as they are classed as Philatelic,
maybe only a Philatelic Bureau will have them.

Enough from me.

Ron Killick.   Christchurch.   N.Z.   

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