> Subject: [HCDX] 12110 harmonic of Jordan Radio 11810/11960
> JORDAN  12110hx  Came across of Arabic nx of Jordan Radio at 0600 UT
on Fri
> Apr 8th. This a mixture signal of 11810/11960 kHz, latter closes
> around 0813 UT [though registered 0500-0715 UT], AKA 500kW 350degr
> Western Europe.
> But NOT heard on symmetrical 11660 kHz, 150 kHz away.
> NOT KWT hx 2x6055 kHz. (73 wb, wwdxc BC-DX Apr 8)

The effect in which two signals of nearby frequency, such as
11810 and 11960 combine to produce additional signals
such as 12110, is not a harmonic. This is called a "mixing
product". It is often caused by conditions outside of the
transmitting station.

A "harmonic" is caused by a badly tuned transmitter, usually
in combination with a reasonably broad-band antenna.

A harmonic on 12000 kHz would be a signal from a
transmitter intending to transmit on 6000 (the most common
example, 2x) or other sub-multiples of the signal one is
hearing. This effect can often be noted on several multiples of
the original signal, such as MW signals being heard (by
harmonic) as high as 15 MHz, always at an exact multiple
of the intended xmtr frequency.

There has been disagreement as to whether a station at
6000, producing a signal at 12000, is radiating a "first"
or "second" harmonic on 12000. This is a question of
language usage.

Hope this is of interest,

regards, Bob

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