Good day to al my dear friends. Reading at the column from John Figliozzi at  
MT from the Monitoring Times June issue  ( a very good one ) it hits my mind 
the issue of QSLing.

Apart from being an avid short-wave listener, I am also a Ham Radio Operator. 
In ham radio, the more country I catch and conform ( 218 so far) the happy I 
will be. But it seems to me that it makes no sense on trying to QSL an 
important radio station if this station it is airing from a different location 
rather its country.

BBC and DW for example, will be airing from Montsinery in the French Guiana.

I wonder what others apart from me are thinking about this. Is there anyone out 
there QSLing SW stations and feels the same way as me.

May you all have a very nice day
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