Fellas, I thought you'd be interested in some interesting loggings up here 
on the Queen Charlottes, just to the south of the Alaska panhandle.  I'm 
still learning the lay of the land, and my equipment.  Running battery 
power, with 2 mini-Beverages of approx. 350' each.  One is N/S, and the 
other is towards Australia.  Still working out the bugs, though.  Internet 
access is dreadfully slow in the town of Masset, and intermittent.  The 
days are very long with darkness not happening until after 23:00 local, and 
light is before 0500 local.  Conditions were poor this morning, compared to 
2 days previous.  On a positive note, after dxing this morning, I donned my 
wet suit, and went out into the ocean to catch some big Dungeness crab, 
abundant in these waters (very cold, but nice with the wet suit).  I'll be 
trying for Australia on MW more often, as well as Alaska.  Here is a 
selection of my loggings.  Good dx to you all!...........Walt Salmaniw, 
near Tow Hill, Queen Charlotte Is, BC, Canada.

208 ALASKA OYN Nome, Alaska, Jul 3 0508 - Loop broadcast of this NDB at 
fair level stating that the pilot weather briefings are suspended until 
1400Z (0600 local).  Rare to hear these taped loops further south. 
(Salmaniw, Tow Hill, Queen Charlotte Is, BC)

393 ALASKA TOG Togiak, Ak, Jul 3 0511 - ATIS information from presumed 
Togiak, Ak at poor to fair level. (Salmaniw, Tow Hill, Queen Charlotte Is, BC)

580 ALASKA KRSA, Petersburg, Jul 5 06:02 - Local weather, followed by ID: 
'Making a difference, KRSA'.  Very good reception.  Usually heard all day, 
at fair levels, better in the evenings, but with cochannel stations, but 
best during our local mornings with excellent reception in the 
clear.  Mostly religious programming. (Salmaniw, Tow Hill, Queen Charlotte 
Is, BC)

580 ALASKA KRSA Petersburg, Jul 3 14:20 - Excellent reception with 
inspirational Christian music. (Salmaniw, Tow Hill, Queen Charlotte Is, BC)

630 ALASKA KJNO, Jul 3 14:00 - As the morning progresses, and the 
trans-Pacific stations, and mainland US stations fade, I started to listen 
for the more local Alaskans.  First heard was KJNO from Juneau, with 
'Capitol Radio' and KJNO IDs.  Multiple ads for local businesses at 14:22 
including one for 'the sweet sound of a chain saw'.  'Talk Radio KJNO' at 
14:23:30.  Good reception. (Salmaniw, Tow Hill, Queen Charlotte Is, BC)

650 ALASKA KENI, Anchorage, Jul 3 14:29 - ABC news Perspective program at 
14:29.  'Newsradio 650, KENI' ID at 14:31 at fair reception. (Salmaniw, Tow 
Hill, Queen Charlotte Is, BC)

684 FIJI Radio Fiji 1, Jul 3 12:20 - Presumed logging with islands music 
with fair audio.  First logging this morning using a hastily laid N/S 
mini-Beverage of 350' length.  Not ideal, but a start. (Salmaniw, Tow Hill, 
Queen Charlotte Is, BC)

702 AUSTRALIA? 2BL, ABC Sydney., Jul 5 12:30 - Overall a very poor 
morning.  Unfortunately, my new Australian Beverage is not working (the 
matching transformer had a loose connection).  The 350/170 degree Beverage 
had to do.  Not nearly as good as a couple of days ago.  Yesterday morning 
I was unable to DX due to the batteries falling to about 7v...too low for 
the AOR 7030+ to operate.  Weak audio with Australian accented dj, so a 
presumed logging. (Salmaniw, Tow Hill, Queen Charlotte Is, BC)

720 HAWAII, KUAUI KUAI, Jul 3 12:21 - Another presumed logging with Hawaiin 
music.  Fair reception. (Salmaniw, Tow Hill, Queen Charlotte Is, BC)

738 FRENCH POLYNESIA RFO Papeete, Jul 5 12:33 - Strongest station on the MW 
band with French programming, but cochannel with a weaker station.  Don't 
know who. (Salmaniw, Tow Hill, Queen Charlotte Is, BC)

738 TAHITI RFO Tahiti, Jul 3 12:15 - Good reception with French 
talk.  Being closer to my N/S oriented Beverage, as expected, Papeete was 
heard at reasonably good strength. (Salmaniw, Tow Hill, Queen Charlotte Is, BC)

750 ALASKA KFQD, Anchorage, Jul 5 13:21 - Fair reception with ID as, '750 
newsradio KFQD'.  Public service announcements followed, and then an ad for 
Alaska Tire Service. (Salmaniw, Tow Hill, Queen Charlotte Is, BC)

770 ALASKA KINY, Jul 5 13:25 - S9+ signal with oldies music, and ID at 
13:37 as, 'The music connection, KINY'. (Salmaniw, Tow Hill, Queen 
Charlotte Is, BC)

783 ?NEW ZEALAND 2YB Access Radio, Jul 5 12:37 - Tentative logging.  Weak 
audio in English.  Not sure who else this could be. (Salmaniw, Tow Hill, 
Queen Charlotte Is, BC)

790 ALASKA KCAM, Jul 5 16:42 - S6 to S7 signal strength with Country top 50 
countdown. (Salmaniw, Tow Hill, Queen Charlotte Is, BC)

800 ALASKA KINY, Juneau, Jul 3 14:35 - Interesting relay of WXJ 25 Juneau 
weather radio with ID at 14:40.  Continued until 13:44 with an ID as:  'The 
music connection, KINY'.  Very good reception. (Salmaniw, Tow Hill, Queen 
Charlotte Is, BC)

1008 AUSTRALIA 4TAB, Brisbane, Jul 3 12:25 - A tentative 
logging.  Australian accented announcer with a call-in program.  Fair 
reception.  Brisbane stations tend to be well heard here on the west coast 
(at least in Grayland, WA), so I'm assuming the same here on the north 
coast of Canada.  No ID heard. (Salmaniw, Tow Hill, Queen Charlotte Is, BC)

1287 JAPAN JOHR, Sapporo, Hokkaido, Jul 5 12:40 - Good audio with Spanish 
music, which confused me for a moment, until a female dj came on with the 
usual sing-song Japanese accent. (Salmaniw, Tow Hill, Queen Charlotte Is, BC)

1287 JAPAN, HOKKAIDO JOHR, Jul 3 12:33 - Presumed logging of HBC, Hokkaido 
Hoso with Japanese talk and music.  Fair to good reception.  As the crow 
flies, Hokkaido is not that far away from the Queen Charlottes, so good 
reception is expected. (Salmaniw, Tow Hill, Queen Charlotte Is, BC)

1503 AUSTRALIA 2BS Gold, Bathurst NSW, Jul 3 12:38 - Tentative logging of 
an Australian accented male at poor to fair level.  I suspect this is the 
most likely, although 3KND, Melbourne or NZ could still be possible, but 
less likely. (Salmaniw, Tow Hill, Queen Charlotte Is, BC)

1610 USA (PRESUMED) TIS, Jul 5 13:10 - My most interesting logging for the 
morning.  TIS stations aren't usually heard here, but this morning there 
was one for what sounded like:  'Whittier to Bear Valley Memorial 
Tunnel'  Open 5:30 am to 11:15 pm.  Propane restricted to 100 lbs.  All 
vehicles under surveillance.  Enforcement by local and state 
authorities.  Thank you for driving carefully.  Speed restricted to 25 
mph.  Can someone identify who this is?  I don't have any TIS stations 
listed for Alaska, so I'm assuming a station in the lower 48. Help please!. 
(Salmaniw, Tow Hill, Queen Charlotte Is, BC)

1683.21 AUSTRALIA Radio Club, Jul 3 12:43 - Presumed logging of Sydney 
(Lakemba), NSW with 400w.  Listed as 24 hr Greek, although the music 
sounded somewhat Arabic/middle eastern.  Weak audio. (Salmaniw, Tow Hill, 
Queen Charlotte Is, BC)

1701.06 AUSTRALIA , Jul 3 12:44 - Two stations here.  I always marvel at 
the strength of these flea-powered Aussies on this channel (and always 
slightly off frequency).  When the rest of the band is dead, there often 
still is audio on this channel to North America.  The dominant station is 
Radio 1701, Brisbane with Hindi music (listed as 100w) over cochannel 
probable NTC Radio 16, Silverwater, NSW with Australian accented English 
programming (this one I don't normally ever hear). (Salmaniw, Tow Hill, 
Queen Charlotte Is, BC)

2310 AUSTRALIA VL8A Alice Springs, Jul 3 12:55 - Very good reception with 
usual ABC programming, parallel to slightly weaker 2325 VL8T Tennant Creek, 
and 2485 VL8K Katherine (the latter with a ute cochannel spoiling the 
frequency). (Salmaniw, Tow Hill, Queen Charlotte Is, BC)

2959.96 INDONESIA RPDT Manggarai, Ruteng, Flores, Timor, Jul 3 12:55 - Fair 
to good reception of this reliable Indo with Indonesian talk. Always very 
impressive for 300w listed. (Salmaniw, Tow Hill, Queen Charlotte Is, BC)

3235 PAPUA AND NEW GUINEA Radio West New Britain, Jul 3 13:00 - S7 signal 
with EZL C&W music.  No ID at the TOH.  Female DJ at 13:02 was answering a 
listener's call:  'Hello?, hello?, hello?'  I couldn't make the caller out 
at all. (Salmaniw, Tow Hill, Queen Charlotte Is, BC)

3249.55 KOREA (NORTH) Pyongyang Broadcasting Station, Jul 3 13:05 - 
Strident Korean OM and YL.  Good reception, and parallel to much stronger 
3320.17 and 6250.06 (which was also very strong except for a cochannel 
intermittent buzzing utility). (Salmaniw, Tow Hill, Queen Charlotte Is, BC)

3325.02 INDONESIA RRI Palangkaraya, Borneo, Jul 3 13:10 - Presumed logging 
with Indonesian talk.  Fair to good reception. (Salmaniw, Tow Hill, Queen 
Charlotte Is, BC)

3345 INDONESIA RRI Ternate, Moluccas, Jul 3 13:11 - Good reception with 
Indonesian talk by a YL.  There was orchestral music  and then a choral 
anthem (sure sounded like a NA), at 13:15 but then the YL came back on and 
continued on with the usual Indonesian muffly audio. (Salmaniw, Tow Hill, 
Queen Charlotte Is, BC)

3365 PAPUA AND NEW GUINEA Radio Milne Bay, Alotau, Jul 3 13:19 - Presumed 
logging with Afro-American vocals at fair to good level. (Salmaniw, Tow 
Hill, Queen Charlotte Is, BC)

3935.07 NEW ZEALAND ZLXA, Jul 3 12:50 - Much better heard here, than in 
recent years in Grayland or Victoria.  Good reception with relay of 
National Radio discussing American involvement in Iraq. (Salmaniw, Tow 
Hill, Queen Charlotte Is, BC)

3976.05 INDONESIA RRI Pontianak, Borneo, Jul 3 13:24 - Very good reception 
with EZL Indonesian music.  OM announcer accepted a call, mentioning 
'program', and 'bye'.  Then several 'hello', but with no answer. Pontianak 
mentioned at 13:31:20. (Salmaniw, Tow Hill, Queen Charlotte Is, BC)

4789.98 INDONESIA Radio Fak-Fak, West Papua, Jul 3 13:40 - Very good 
reception with a speech being carried with clapping with excellent audio, 
then back to the studio with the usual muffly audio.  Then low modulation 
talk by OM with piano background.  Spoiled by CODAR. (Salmaniw, Tow Hill, 
Queen Charlotte Is, BC)

4850 INDIA AIR Kohima, Jul 3 13:46 - Rather good reception, but nothing 
special, in presumed Hindi with talk by YL.  'Service' mentioned. 
(Salmaniw, Tow Hill, Queen Charlotte Is, BC)

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