7300 02/09 *22.00-22.20 R. VATICANA - Irkutsk (Russia), Chinese, meditations
OM/YL. QRM REE 7275 kHz!!! From this tx site 'til Sept 3rd. Poor/Fair

9290 04/09 *09.00-09.30 R. CITY - Riga/Ulbroka (Latvia), EE, ids OM and
oldies. Only today. Reports to: Ostra Porten 49 - S-442 54 Ytterby (Sweden).
They ask 1$ or IRC for return postage. Very good

QTH:   Rapallo (Genova) Italy
RXs:   R7 Drake - Satellit 500 Grundig - DE1103 Degen
ANTs:  ACA Ferrite loop 75cm modified (LW-MW)
       External longwire 20m (SW)
Accs:  KøLR loop amplifier homemade (LW-MW)
       Noise Canceling MFJ1026 (SW)

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