Hello to all of you !

I had a tiring day today. I was absent from school and went to 2 hospitals. 
After waiting more than 2 hours at the Notre-Dame one, went to see an oncologue 
who talked about the chimio. He saied that is like poison, I may have some 
infections (the chances are less than 5%), putting back what I've eated and 
that I'll lose all my hair (this is what affect me the less - on some sides 
it's a positive issue, though it's unconfortable to have hair on your cushion 
when you'll wake up). Unfortunatly, the best medicament for not putting back 
what you did eat during the chimio is cortizan, something I can't take due to 
my bipolarity. The chimio will start next Monday and there will be 3 cycles 
(one week and 2 weeks with only treatment on Mondays). The last doctor I saw at 
the Notre-Dame hospital, the one that operated me this summer, sayed during the 
last 2 cycles I'll be more tired wich is a bad issue, since I really wanted to 
do some serious DX'ing this fall. I talked a little bit to him about my hobby 
(and about loosing school) and he says the radio and the school will always be 
there, the most important thing of all is to take away the cancer. I've done 
some blood tests as well.

Into the more serious things now: after getting Paraguay-9737 last evening, 
I've used the Sanyo MCD-S830 and heard an apparently new Cuban station on 600. 
It's definitively Cuba. Check out the log below for more details:

600 CUBA, CMKV, unID slogan, Urbano Norris SEP 6 0244 - Fading in and out over 
and under WICC with Spanish pops, salsa and reaggeton. During one of the breaks 
I catched something like "La (Sensacíonal ?) Noventa y Seis punto Siete". Not 
// 5025. However Radio Rebelde is (or used to be) on 96.7 (was heard several 
times in the US via e-skip) and since the condx were really poor toward the 
Caribbean with RVC fair at best and no South Americans availables, I'm sure 
this is Cuba. (Chiochiu-QC)

I purchased a line-cord as well, so tomorrow when I'll finnish my homeworks, 
I'll transfer this one into real-audio.

In the car radio briefly had llanera music over WUHN around 2341 UTC and when I 
got home from the hospitals, founded Guinea Equatorial on 5005 very poorly and 
fading - I let a tape run at that channel while leaving for Fairview, but the 
signal never improoved. I'll try for them again tomorrow.

Right now, I'm pretty tired since I had a rough day; the next 3 months will be 
even tougher, but I should keep the mood up, not letting a thing like that 
completly destroy my DX career and trying to listen as much as possible even in 
the next months.

Be the good DX stuff with you,
Bogdan Chiochiu

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