3335, PAPUA NEW GUINEA, (P)R.East Sepik, 1018-1032,
Sept.24, Vernacular, Anncr. at t/in. Continuos ballads
thru t/out w/ OM at 1030 w/ presumed ID. Poor under
static. (Barbour-NH)

3905, PAPUA NEW GUINEA, (P)R.New Ireland, 1032-1046,
Sept.24, Vernacular, Continuos talks by OM. Ballad
noted at 1046 just after USB traffic overtook the
frequency. Fair/poor. (Barbour-NH)

4915, GHANA, R.Ghana, 2209-2230, Sept. 23, English, OM
w/ news and ID. Continuos C & W style ballads thru
t/out. Fair at t/in becoming unusable as co-channel
Brazil f/in. (Barbour-NH)

5040, ECUADOR, (P)LV Del Upano, 1005-1016, Sept.19,
Spanish, OM and YL at t/in, OM w/ Mass at 1010 thru
t/out. Poor/v.weak. (Barbour-NH)

5910, COLOMBIA, Marfil Estereo, 0012-0033, Sept.19,
Spanish, Various anncrs. w/ talks over and b/w musical
selections. YL w/ positive ID at 0030. Fair.

6090, UNIDENTIFIED, 2043-2050*, Sept. 18, Vernacular,
Various talks at tin, Drums at 2045 and tent. ID, only
able to copy "broadcasting house", into wind
instruments with talk over. Different anncr. w/ weak
audio until cut-off at 2050. Poor w/ lots of adjacent
channel slop. Nigeria perhaps? (Barbour-NH)

7460, W.SAHARA/ALGERIA,(P)RASD, 2143-2159, Sept.23,
Arabic, Continuos musical selections until wiped out
by 7465-WWCR s/on at 2159. Fair. (Barbour-NH) 

9680, INDONESIA, KGRE via RRI-Jakarta, 1002-1022,
Sept.25, English, Indo ballad at t/in. KGRE s/on at
1002 w/ OM. Banter b/w OM and YL;too weak to detail at
this point. Improved a bit to note pop music at 1007
followed by jingle w/ "Kang Guru R.English" ID and
presumed contact info at 1010. Talks resume, able to
pick out a few phrases. "Thats what friend are for" at
1020 followed by mention of "Australia Aid",
prg.hi-lites for next week and "POB 3095" contact
info. RRI Indo returns at 1022 w/ YL mentioning KGRE
into Indo music. Poor, best using USB. (Barbour-NH)
Recent reports have led to speculation that reception
should improve during B-05 tho PPWBR 2005 shows WYFR
0800-1045 on this frequency during the winter months.

10000, HUNGARY(!?!), R.Budapest, 2250-2258*, Sept.23,
Vernacular, Not sure what this was doing here but
noted R.Budapest over WWV with various talks b/w opera
music. ID and IS at s/off. Fair. (Barbour-NH)

12115U, ICELAND, RUV, 2302-2330*, Sept.23, Icelandic,
OM and YL w/ news and what sounded like various
interviews. IS at s/off. Fair. (Barbour-NH)

Scott R Barbour Jr-Intervale,NH-USA
R-75, 200' Beverage antennas

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