5040, Unident, 1102-1116    Noted a man in comments until 1107.  Then a
woman talks for awhile and is joined
by others.  I can't distinguish the language, but it's not Indonesian or
Chinese.  It could be Burmese, but I can't identify  Burmese either.  The
format of the program sounds like the format I recall from the Burmese
station on 4725 when it was active? At 1113 a man and woman discuss
something.  By 1115 it's difficult to hear the broadcast enough to tell
happening.  During the best period of listening, the signal was at a poor
level.  (Chuck Bolland, October 10, 2005)

Colombia, 6139.80, Radio Liber, (Radio Melodia?), 1127-1140  Noted various
persons in news and comments.
Along the way, ADs, promos and live TCs presented, "en 6 y 34 minutos en
Radio Liber".  Many mentions of
Colombia and Radio Liber.  Never heard Radio Melodia.  Signal was armchair
thru the period. Checked the
"Worldofradio.com" site for prior loggings and nothing popped up.   (Chuck
Bolland, October 10, 2005)

Chuck Bolland
Clewiston, Florida USA
NRD545, Dipole, Preselector (homebrew)

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