Last couple of days I've been monitoring 4777 presumed
Gabon. It seems the carrier on 4777 starts around 1558 UT.
And goes off around 1657. Lately it's been rather weak, so no
luck with ID. I have also checked it against Africa 1 on 15475.
Program is not in parallel. But funny thing is that when Africa 1
starts it's transmitter on 15475 around 1557 (under VOA) the
4777 carrier arrives within a minute or two also. And Africa 1
seems to turn off the 15475 transmitter around 1657 for a
moment (antenna and/or transmitter change?) and yes - 
4777 disappears also around that time. 4777 doesn't come
back but 15475 reappears around 1700 with possibly weaker signal.
These things are maybe not related, but strange anyway.
4777 has been logged also in Japan and Denmark.
Jari Savolainen
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