1180 CUBA Radio Rebelde/Radio Rebelde F-M/Radio Reloj/Cuba jammer/Radio Martí
[FLORIDA]; 0240-0342 23 Nov.  A huge pile-up of big Cuban signals and beyond
were present here tonight.  One signal quickly confirmed as the generic Rebelde
(with baseball coverage), "Rebelde" and "Rebelde, Cadena Nacional" plus
nine-note Rebelde sounders often, and parallel other mediumwave channels, as
well as 5025.  The other Rebelde (FM network) was about equal level, with
Spanish and US 80's pop vocals, frequent occasional "Rebelde" (only one "F-M"
tag during my listen [0320] after the nine-note sounder -- not uncommon from
past actual FM monitoring in the Florida Keys).  MIDI-file version of the
nine-note Rebelde theme at 0323, but coudn't tell which net (FM or AM) generated
that one.  In addition, weak traces of Radio Martí (Marathon, Florida) present
at times, and to add to the mix, a very definite Cuban jammer sporadically
surfacing (with the same electo-bubbling jammer sounds as best-heard on 6030).
Also: surfacing only once at 0308, Radio Reloj with the usual "R-R" Morse under
all this.  To add to the confusion for the unwashed masses, a promo liner read
on the baseball (AM) feed for stations also carrying the event, including "Radio
Revolución" and others.  A truly amazing plethora of shit.

1600 ALABAMA WXVI, Montgomery; 0120-0146 23 Nov.  Tune-in to a George Benson
instrumental, segued into female black gospel which was promptly stepped on by a
male canned "...serving Montgomery County... to support..." then a separate male
"1600 A-M, WXVI" drop at 0127, followed by male "Welcome to the New Life
Station..." and a brokered program with emphatic black preacher man.  Great
signal, with occasional "Radio Disney" (presumably WMNE, Riviera Beach, FL)
bubbling up.

1610 USA unidentifed (presumed) TIS; 0337+, 23 Nov.  Fragments of female over
Tampa International TIS and who knows what else, the only thing clear was a
"...or www-dot-US..." ...." reference.

4010 KYRGYZSTAN Kyrgyz Radio, Bishkek; 2330-2336 22 Nov.  Tentative at best, as
only fragments of useless AM mode audio present, right on 4010.  Anyone know if
Kyrg is really active on 4010 and if so, at this time?

4500 CHINA Xinjiang PBS, Urümqi; *2349-0005 22-23 Nov.  Tune-in to 800-ish Hz
solid tone already in progress till 2359, then brief, pulsing tones, back to
solid tone for a few seconds, followed by time sounders (five short, one long)
at 0000.  Brief orchestral fill, then female in presumed Mongolian.  Clear and

4635 TAJIKISTAN Tajik Radio, Yangiyul; 2336-2344 22 Nov.  Mid-east vocal,
Mid-east language woman from 2338.  Clear, but low audio.

4855.66 PERU Radio La Hora, Cusco; 2344-2349 22 Nov.  Spanish man with
announcements, bumper flutes, possible commercial script.  Clear, fair.

4860 INDIA All India Radio, Delhi; 0054-0101 23 Nov.  Fair with Hindi pop
vocals.  5010-Thiruvananthap ripping in with similar music at the same time.

4920 INDIA All India Radio, Chennai; 0058-0120 23 Nov.  Tentatively the one,
clear but very muddy -- definitely not the ChiCom -- with soft subcontinental
music ending, then female non-Chinese Asian language talk from 0059-0104, filler
music, same woman, man briefly, more talk by the same lady with 2-3 seconds of
fills occasionally through tune-out due to boredom.


Terry L Krueger
Clearwater, Florida
27.55.83 N, 82.46.08 W

Visit my "Florida Low Power Radio Stations" at:




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